SEC - S10W3 | The power of good advice.

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In the course of our lives, we get a lot of advice, oh yes, why not when we are told advice is free, we get advice from friends, family members, well-wishers, and even enemies. And truly, these pieces of advice have been helpful to us, but let's not be exempt from the fact not all advice is good. Choosing an advisor is hard but here is what you need to know about advice.

What do you think Advice is for, is it really necessary?

I would say advice is certain guidelines or recommendations given to someone by someone concerning future actions or a situation at hand.

From the point of our birth, we get to receive advice from parents, family members, educators, friends, colleagues, and well-wishers on how we should do certain things in life ranging from work, and lifestyle, to education.

To say if advice is necessary, I would say it's very very necessary without over-emphasizing it. Advice is very important in everyone's life as It allows us to seek and see the perspective of others around us, learning from their best knowledge and experiences as a person.

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What we face today, could be situations these persons have encountered in their lifetime, so then, why not take their knowledge on how to attempt the situation and help myself out? Besides, no one person knows everything.

The problem however is choosing which is good advice and which is bad advice as not every piece of advice is a good one. Not all elders are filled with knowledge.

What is the best advice you have received, who gave it to you?

This is indeed a hard one to answer because I believe all of the advice I have received and worked on that has changed my life in one or another is the best advice for me.

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However, the best advice I say I have received among all would be from a friend of mine who shared a statement from Sean-Paul Thomas with me, which says;

"It is better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all" - Sean-Paul Thomas

It was the ground I realized that the first step is always the hardest to take, and I came across these same words in the voice of Sam Ryder in his music titled "Fought and Lost" featuring Brian May, where he said;

"It is better to have fought and lost than never fought at all, as you might lose the war but not the battle".

screenshot from my music player

It is on this very ground I Joined the Steemit platform 2 years ago under the guise of, "Why not give it a try" and I've never hooked on it since then.

To whom do you regularly turn for advice?

In the course of my life journey, I have indeed received a ton of advice from different people on and off this great platform.

On this platform, I have been lucky enough to meet people like @Patjewell, @Ruthjoe, and @ngoenyi and also to be advised by them. I count myself lucky to be under their tutelage, as they have been who I had run to for advice concerning Steemit, they are always willing to help.

I've also received advice from a lot of other people on this platform as we learn every day, the likes of @theentertainer, @josevas217, and @waqarahmadshah in fact names will fail me to mention.

In life generally, the first person I run to for advice is my elder sister, she's the person I frequently run to even before my parents as she's someone I share a close bond with.

Do you like to give or receive advice?

Being a young adult myself, I would say I love to receive advice from my elders, in some cases from my younger siblings too, and at the same time I love to share my knowledge with those willing to accept.

So I can say as much as I love to receive advice, I am also willing to share my knowledge with those willing to take it more especially now that I currently work as an educator, I take any opportunity I get to advise the leaders of tomorrow with the knowledge I have of yesterday.

What is the best advice you have received on Steemit, who gave it to you and what has it helped you with?

In the earlier section, I have counted how a lot of people have impacted me on this great platform the likes of @Patjewell, @Ruthjoe and @Ngeoyi.

All their advice has been the best I must say cause they all came at the moment I needed them most to improve myself. Their advice has kept me going strong up until this very day. And it is something as simple as "just enjoy the ride as the with the tides, the sea will be calm at some point as everything will fall in place".

@Patjewell taught me what images, tags and introductions meant to my posts and how important they are, the comfortable size, how to go about an engagement post etc.

@Ruthjoe is practically my backbone on this platform, the support I so much needed even in my toughest moments, she knows the exact word to say to calm my nerves.

This is the very reason why I said I have not just advisers but family on this platform.


Advice is a tool met to encourage and motivate you to do something good or something you want to do. But I must say, in taking advice, one still needs to apply wisdom as not every piece of advice can be deemed the best, but one thing for sure is that advice is necessary for life as we don't all know everything.

I like to invite, @yakspeace, @ikwal and @suboohi

NOTE: Always have a smile on your face, as you are never fully dressed without one.


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