SEC-S13W3- "The Law of Attraction ".

Do you believe in the law of attraction?
Do you consider that the things we can attract depend on our positive or negative attitude?
Have you had any experience with the power of the mind?
How would you describe a positive person?


Hey friend thanks for bringing up such realistic topic that affect our lifestyle and way of life at every stage of life, I say so because every seconds we display different types of characters and attitude base on conditions we find ourselves.

Do you believe in the law of attraction?

Yes friend, I really believe in law of attraction and that's why we were told that ever act we display have either positive or negative effect on life and our lifestyle. Infact I don't just believe I act accordingly to this rules that permits me to act consciously and wisely.

I deeply believe if we do bad, then we should expect to attract bad things or curse while if we do good things or good characters good things and blessings would follow use to every part of the world. It saddens me to see so many don't believe in this natural law and as a result the act carelessly and wickedly, but unknown to them whether the believe or not law of attraction would do what's necessary.

If this laws are not in existence the world would not be interesting and safe because everyone would behave nonchalantly and carelessly, so I believe the law was created to bring other and balance to the world all the time.


Do you consider that the things we can attract depend on our positive or negative attitude?

Yes, as I have said before I believe that our attitude whether good or bad attract something similar to it, this attractions are either positive or negative it all depends on what we give out from our brain, hearths and minds.

This positive or negative attitude that could be attracted could either be spiritually, emotionally financially or physically, that's to say this attractions may come from any angle or in any form or way that we don't expect.

For example: if John turns to a famous womanizer all over the community, it's expected that people won't take him serious any longer and he would be devalued in the society. This is an example of negative attraction, John gave out a negative attitude and in return he received a negative physical attraction

Another example: like most religion would say or believe, when we do good we go to heaven while if we do bad we will go to hell, when we give out a negative attitude we are expected to receive a negative spiritual attraction which is hell fire and when we exhibit good characters it's expected that we attract blessings and we will go to heaven to meet our creator and savior.


Have you had any experience with the power of the mind?

Yes of course, infact at times I don't believe we get weak or tired because the mind can deceive us and we begin to feel weak and tired. People who would understand me are people who do endurance testing abilities like working out, running, playing, dancing jumping.

This is why I was taught just believe you can do anything and you would conquer victoriously, in this saying I believe that whenever we have full control over our minds and thoughts then we would pass all limitations and break records.

I am gladly telling you that if you don't maximum your mind power then you would not be able to achieve so much in the society over a long period of time, this is because the mind control everything.

I have seen so many sayings that an open mind is a great and prosperous mind, so therefore it's wise and shape for us to open up our minds and use them to perform awesome miracle and discoveries that would take the world to a new dimension or angle through out our stay here.

Remember Ben Carson the wise doctor would say always Dream Big.


How would you describe a positive person?

As the implies a positive person, Is a person know for his or her positive attitude and character, also such people are positively minded and cautious because they see good in everything and in everyone at all times.

In a simpler term I would say a positive person is a person who exhibit and support positive character or attitude at a period of time, this person is seen thinking of only positive activities that would gracefully generate positive outcome.

For example: When a neighbor or friend buys a house or car, a negative person would first think the neighbor stole the car or got it illegally with out confirming and in most cases spread the fake news but a positive minded person would see it as a result of hardwork and see it as a motivation or inspiration to work harder.

Positive person always have peace of mind because there are no negative thought in their minds or in their head, also there are no negative attraction hurting them seriously. This because a positive minded would all experience positive attractive.



Negative attitude cause negative attraction and its always advised we exhibit positive attitude in order to attract positive things and blessings at all times, in other words acting good always pays well while acting bad is dangerous to our lives and future.

Thanks for going through remember starrchris cares ❤️😍, I am using this opportunity to invite my good friends @mini80 @crisvera @dirapa @khursheedanwar to paticipate in the contest.


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