Lake House

In many ways, 3d visualization is a “dream house maker” for me. Building a house in real life is much more difficult compared to the virtual space. In real life, there are a bunch of limitations that restrict the direction of the design & construction of a house. In virtual space, rendering a house is like building a lego house. In fact it’s even better than a lego house since I can dictate the environment where my 3d house is built upon.

”In this scene, I would like to set my house beside a lake and be surrounded by trees. It’s serene and the only sounds that I could hear are from birds.”


The house is built upon the lake bed and it’s raised on a concrete pedestal. And then I added a wooden deck down to the lake which serves as a direct access to the lake from the house.

In this setting, I made the building design as simple as possible. The materials selection is quite simple as well, I’ve used concrete, wood, steel, & glass.

Below are few of the render passes:


ambient light render pass


render ID pass


depth map render pass


original render pass

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