Two days ago, my SD Card started malfunctioning. Long story short; I've lost all my sketch processes - especially those I haven't shared. So to console myself, I went back in time to those days of depth and details. I stumbled upon some passports of aged men yesterday and I was strangely drawn to it. It seems I'll likely be doing a series on that. I do pray I'm able to get the SD card to work cause I've got some real good sketches on it like the dark light one of Sean Connery I had intended to share yesterday.
Getting the details right in this sketch was time consuming. You wouldn't believe me if I told you I spent almost an hour on the cap alone. I like to take things slow, get the right tones. I'd really love to get feedbacks so as to know what I might add to my new series...
This sketch was made with 2B and 6B Bianyo pencils and a 3B Stædtler.
It's been nice of you to drop by, Thanks for the visit.
See you tomorrow.