Join me on My Art Journey

Hello artists and art lovers, I welcome you to the beginning of a journey for me, a journey I've started twice before but never got beyond a couple of sketches.

I can't draw. I can't paint. As far as art (in the graphical sense) goes, I am... what's the word...? Erm, let's keep it clean and go with "bad". "VERY bad". And I'd like to be good. VERY good. But I'd settle for OK.

So the journey I'm starting now and sharing with you, is to learn to draw. I have a book, some pens and some pencils. Oh, and some paper. The paper's important.

So to commence my journey, I'd like to share with you quite how bad I am. So I ask you to take a moment out of your day and to comment below with something you'd like me to draw. And in my next update, I will share my creations with you.


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