Best Photo Of The Week - Snapshot of a fiery sunset

On these evenings the sun gives a true spectacle of colors and lights, enchanting all those who raise their heads slightly towards the horizon in the hours of sunset. I took this photo which captures most of the beautiful colors, having a Redmi note 9 smartphone but I find it really successful. The photo is devoid of any filter or retouching, frankly it does not need any changes, I already think it is incredibly beautiful as well.

The bright color lights up the sky creating a chromatic scale that is really very pleasant to observe and overshadows the monument of my city, the castle of Frederick II, which overlooks the Adriatic Sea. The castle has recently undergone a major renovation, which lasted several months, and is now ready to welcome visitors more beautiful than ever. The construction dates back to the 13th century AD. and it is among the most important Frederick's castles in southern Italy.

At the time of taking this photograph, I am sitting on the steps of the Cathedral of the city, a sacred place and the photo captures a sacredness, that of the supernatural. Indeed, watching the show in the sky has a sense of sacredness, a divine work that we admire from this side of the universe.

When I look at this photo, I really think it is a painting, the beauty of the subject and its colors leaves me very impressed: the sun in the wake towards its night rest, launches its most intense glow, reflected by the new and the atmosphere, creating a natural masterpiece. I have always been a fan of sunsets for the magical and hypnotic colors they have on myself. In fact, I stand still and watch them as the sun retreats behind the horizon line and leaves this heavenly scene to the spectators.

The passion for sunsets was transmitted to me by my grandfather, when I was little and I often went out with him and his scooter, he took me to the seashore to admire the sunsets, in the company of a nice piece of focaccia and a bottle of Coca Cola. He told me that when the city was bombed during the Second World War, the red of the fire blazed on the destroyed houses and every time he watched the sunset, he reminded him of the friends lost during those air raids. Beautiful moments that will remain truly indelible in my mind.

I hope that the image can convey the wonder and amazement I felt in enjoying this sunset in the last few minutes, the most intense ones, the farewell to the day and the welcome to the night.

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