CONTEST - CREA UN'IMMAGINE / Un computer futuristico.

Quantum computer, the computer of the future.

Conventional computer.

In conventional computers, data is processed in binary format in which the units of data are ( bits and bytes ) . in these conventional computers , binary code is written as 1 or 0. and the architecture of the processing is called sequential , meaning that one task must be completed before the next.
And as a development for the conventional computing method, the computer recently use parallel computing processes, which can handle multiple computer tasks simultaneously. It is very well know to us that the physical shape of the computers depends mainly of the electronic parts . Transistors and the electronic integrated circuits are the main building blocks of the (normal ) computers.


Quantum computer.

Quantum computers uses quantum mechanical theory for the data processing . The theory behind this is called Superposition in which "quantum bits" or "qubits" can exist in different states at the same time. according to this computing method, the quantum computers can perform calculations simultaneously (in parallel ), and as a result they are more faster than conventional computers many times.

Benefits of the quantum computer.

  • High speed computations.
  • Very accurate simulations.
  • Solving complex problems through multi dimensional space.

The quantum computer uses quantum transistors as the main building blocks . The quantum computer needs cryogenic environment ( the Cryogenic cooling) is a process in which very low levels of temperatures are achieved , which is the perfect environment for the qubits to work

Imagined architecture of the future quantum computer.

finally and taking the IBM quantum computer as the starting point , The future computer can be medium-sized, transparent cylindrical shape (which will act as a shield to protect the components from interference with the environment) , filled inside with countless number of quantum transistors , connected to cooling nitrogen pipes, which reaching near absolute zero temperatures ,

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