Gene Codes: Session 1

For many years now, I have been a passionate student of human nature. Around the year 2000, I came across the Natural Life Energy model, and it radically transformed my worldview on why we behave and think the way that we do. I never had any intention on studying psychology, esotericism or spirituality. In fact, my major in college was Computer Science and Mathematics. Destiny, however, can often have different plans for you. You see, it's in my nature to study human nature! And there are many other qualities that I was born with that make me the way that I am; and you, the way that you are. The idea that we are born with a tabula rasa, a blank slate upon which the world around us inscribes our personality, character and traits, is an idea that I had to abandon when I discovered the knowledge of the Natural Life Energies.

But these Sessions are not only about the 7 Energies; it was the awareness that the tabula rasa was not a truth that opened me up to many other forms of arcane wisdom concerning human nature. And in these Sessions I would like to share with you what I have had the privilege of learning concerning what makes us the way we are. And in doing so, maybe I can help you find some answers to the most important questions you can explore in life: Who am I really? and What is my purpose in life?

Gene Codes is the idea that we are born with inherent natural traits, qualities and characteristics that have accompanied us throughout our lives; yes plural, lives. And there have been many wonderful teachers, explorers and discoverers of esoteric wisdom that look deeply into the essence of our being.

Gene Codes are systems for understanding human nature based on some kind of imprinting within our DNA which either was activated at birth, before birth or later on in life. Essentially, what I'm suggesting, and this is no news for most in the esoteric community, is that our so-called junk DNA is not junk at all, but rather a vast storehouse of codes and information that contribute to making us who we are!



Some major systems, and the "receivers" of these systems will be covered throughout these Sessions:

Dr. Gary Null, Ph.D.
"Who Are You Really?" seems like the perfect place to begin because it is the most important question that Gene Codes seeks to answer, as well as being the title of Gary Null's 1996 book which outlines 7 Natural Life Energies that we are born with, which are programmed into our DNA. During the late 80s, Gary had an experience in the Arizona desert in which he received "a download", where he was shown that each human being is born with one of 7 Life Energies, and that these Life Energies are a holistic and holarchic part of humanity.

Ra Uru Hu
Again, during the late 80s, Ra had an encounter with what he described as blue and white orbs that remained with him for 8 days and taught him a new cosmology, as well as a very complex system for understanding human nature known as the Human Design System which teaches that each person, based on their date, time and place of birth, will have certain genetics activated which will influence the character and personality of the individual.

Richard Rudd
Richard was a very important student of Ra Uru Hu for many years, until he had his own experience which resulted in a "download" of information which extended and deepened his understanding of Ra's system, which Richard calls the "Gene Keys". Much like the Human Design System, Gene Keys are based on your day, time and place of birth, in which the position of certain celestial bodies activates several of the 64 Gene Keys that are written into our DNA.

Sri Shyamji Bhatnagar
Developer of "Microchakras," Shyamji had an experience of what we would consider in the exoteric community as channeling. During a moment of automatic writing, he "downloaded" an entirely new and deeper understanding of the chakra system and how it influences our behavior and personality. What was revealed in this transmission of information is that our chakras are actually "minds," each having different thought patterns and concerns about life. He further teaches that within each chakra there are 21 Microchakras in three rows of seven that further influence who we are.

Simon Parkes
Simon is a well known experiencer who has been mentored by a race of Mantis Beings who have shared, and continue to share, knowledge and information with him about the human race. Simon teaches that each human soul comes from one or more of 12 Star Families and that this is encoded into our DNA. He, for example, has a soul that is formed from a Reptilian race, a Mantis race and what he calls a Higher Human race.

Alex Collier
Alex is a contactee with a race of extraterrestrials from the Andromeda galaxy known as the Zeneteans. He was taught by them that our human DNA is a mixture of 22 different alien species and that this influences who we are.

Corey Goode
Corey is also a contactee who has communicated, and continues to communicate with many different alien races. Much like Alex Collier, Corey learned from his time in the Secret Space Program that there are 22 "Genetic Programs" or experiments that are being conducted on humanity by several extraterrestrial and extradimensional races.


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