I have to try then I can get better

Greetings, friends of the Italian community, how are you, I hope all friends are in good health, and happy days, and on today's occasion I want to share The reality is that nothing in this life is free, and the older you get , the more you realize how difficult life can be, especially if you don't have any support system. I'm at the stage where I don't even want to imagine my future simply because it doesn't look bright. I was very scared to imagine it because no one supported me. I just lived life day by day, hoping to see a breakthrough. Sometimes, we're all in this stage of uncertainty, wondering where we're going to go next, and the more we think about it, the scarier it gets because we don't have the answers.
So many people are looking for answers on how to save themselves financially. Many people today are looking for answers about their health; we have people looking for answers about where to go from here, is this the right thing to look for, or should we keep trying, Looking for answers is good, but most people want the answers before they start doing anything, and that's the mistake that I made early in my life. I waited for his answer before I could take any further steps, which left me stagnant for a while.

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Why don't you keep believing in the unknown even without the answer

As humans, we get tired easily and that's the main reason people look for answers before trying is because they believe knowing the answer will be a source of motivation for them Also, I refer to answers to know for sure that they will be successful in a particular field, but nothing is certain . That's why looking for answers is a waste of time. Even if you have a perfect plan for how you want to live your life, circumstances may change. You may end up getting the same result, but may be on a different path because the answer isn't always what it looks like on paper. Sometimes, you have to keep going even if you don't understand what the future will bring.
Most people who successfully follow their passion don't know the future, they just do what they love, and let uncertainty do its job. Sometimes, as humans, we have to let uncertainty work because no one knows tomorrow. When I look at my life four years ago and now, I realize that anyone's life can change in an instant, and what you are experiencing now does not determine who you will become in the future. Everything can change at any time, therefore we must not give up and keep trying. Whether we know the answer, definitely or not, we should keep trying and work hard.

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Waiting won't do any good

doing nothing and waiting for answers, excuses, or excuses, will not do us any good, we must not let the fear of failure or waiting for the right time stop us from doing things that can change our lives, even if uncertainty clouds our future, we have to keep trying and keep working hard for better change. Whether we fail or lose, we owe it to ourselves, that's why we have to keep trying, and if we fail, we become wiser, if we succeed. We become happier and wiser through experience, let nothing stop us from moving forward. Even though your future is not clear, never stop trying, thank you, I hope it is useful and enthusiastic even though it is difficult and bitter, greetings.
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