MEANING OF NO' Is a great defense against disrespect

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Greetings, friends of the Italian community, come back with me this afternoon, this afternoon I am very boring, and on this occasion, I want to write a little, about People often ignore how they spend their money. Even though there are those who think our actions are good, there are also those who think we are stupid. There may be some truth to this perception, as we all make reckless spending decisions sometimes. However, our intentions are rooted in compassion and the desire to alleviate the suffering of those around us. Unfortunately, some may not understand our motives and instead choose to mock us. We can feel frustrated when we are portrayed as stupid when our only goal is to do good.

The evidence I can use to prove this is that a man who is in love assesses his actions of spending his money on another woman as an act of caring and trying to provide for the person he loves. However, sometimes women take these actions for granted, viewing such men as fools because they don't know what to do with their money, and sometimes women manipulate such men into spending more because they know that they can always get what they want. want and see them. as a fool. Can we blame them for spending their money out of love, or should we blame them for being stupid?

Sometimes, saying no even though we can help is a kind of shield against profit

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Sometimes, people stop supporting their loved ones when they realize that their kindness is being taken advantage of. Such behavior can create a sense of entitlement and manipulation that can strain relationships. It is unfortunate that some people view generosity as a weakness and fail to appreciate the good intentions behind it. This can cause them to lose respect for the person who is trying to help them.

After carefully saving and spending wisely, choosing to spend the remaining percentage on people you care about can sometimes be considered foolish rather than generous. However, it's important to remember that our spending habits can give others a certain impression of us.

Sometimes, all we have to learn is to say no when we sense manipulation or when others try to take advantage of our generosity.

One common mistake people make is when they know someone else is lying and also sense someone is being dishonest with them, but they often choose to ignore it out of kindness or fear of offending them. However, when we allow other people to do things that are not right or not worth our time or money, we send them the message that we are easy targets. Instead of being a pushover, we can assert ourselves and say “no.” This will not only help us avoid wasting resources on useless purposes, but will also earn us respect in the long run.

When you sense manipulation or lying, it's important to say no. Even though you have resources to help, it's best to protect yourself by asserting your boundaries. Saying no sends the message that you will not tolerate being taken advantage of. Don't be fooled by false stories or excuses - standing up for yourself will protect your self-esteem and prevent others from trying to exploit you. It's best to put people in their place.

the conclusion is that the words NO' are a great defense against disrespect, because the words no and yes, have meaning and a way out, whatever we agree on and live our daily lives. I hope friends understand what I mean write this down, that's all I can write, hopefully it's useful, thank you, greetings

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