Star Fruit is Rich in Benefits


Steemian friends.

How are you today, I hope everything is fine without any problems. Today I am again making a post about starfruit which our people usually use in cooking. Starfruit is a fruit that contains a lot of water, in fact the water content reaches 70%. Star fruit is also famous for its very sour taste. But even so, starfruit has many benefits. We Asians, especially the people of Aceh, Indonesia, use starfruit every day in our cooking. We can also process starfruit into sunti acid, which is a spice for cooking keu eung sour sauce. Because of its many benefits, it is not surprising that almost all the residents' houses in my village have starfruit plants in their homes.


I also have several starfruit plants that I cultivate at home. Some are big and some are still small, which I always take good care of. I planted this small young star fruit tree in a pot, when it gets a bit bigger I will move it to a larger area. Currently the starfruit is growing very well, I am very happy to see it in this condition.


I put the young starfruit tree right under the large starfruit tree, the aim is so that when it grows up it will have lots of fruit like its parent. Old people said that in the past it was like that, that's why I put the young starfruit tree under the big starfruit tree.


Meanwhile, this parent tree is very old, it existed before I was born. This means that the mother starfruit tree is now more than 30 years old. Wow, the starfruit tree is very old, yes, but it is still productive and diligently bearing fruit. In each fruiting season it can produce more than 500 star fruit. This starfruit tree is indeed extraordinary.

And now it has started to bear fruit again, maybe in the next 1-2 weeks the tree and branches will be full of dense fruit. Hopefully it can produce lots of fruit again, so we can pick it and process it into sunti acid. OK friends, that's my information today about cultivating starfruit that I grow at home. Hopefully it can inspire friends who read.

Greetings always compact.

By @midiagam

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