The Importance of Breakfast


Good morning Italian Steem friends. How are you today, I hope everyone is always in a healthy and good condition of course.

I have a question for you, are you someone who often forgets breakfast, or are you the type who skips breakfast in the morning?

Well, if you are the type who likes to forget, or skips breakfast, you must immediately change this bad habit. Because there is this study which was carried out in 2021 stating if we often skip breakfast, we could get some quite serious diseases. For example, stroke, diabetes and also heart disease.

Wow, scary huh. Even though you just missed breakfast in the morning.

So, in this segment I will discuss the benefits of breakfast in the morning.


Yep, breakfast is a meal that we often ignore. This usually happens because we are in a rush to go to work or school, so we don't have time to prepare breakfast in the morning. Without us realizing it turns out breakfast has many benefits for our bodies. Breakfast is so important, it's no wonder so many parents always encourage their children to have breakfast before starting activities.

According to the study results, skipping breakfast before going to school not only affects children's physical health, but also psychologically. Which ultimately will influence the process and outcomes of the child's learning. It is estimated that around 58% of the Indonesian population skips breakfast in the morning.

So this healthy breakfast is very important, because morning is the right time to start activities. Well, before starting our activities if we have breakfast, it gives initial energy for us to do activities not only in the morning, but throughout the day too.

Then we sleep, we don't eat, that means we fast overnight yes 10-12 hours. Well, this should be filled directly with food. So, the most important benefit is for energy, because for activities. Because by fasting overnight your blood sugar will drop, yes, drop. Well, if your blood sugar drops, your brain won't be able to function optimally. Because the main source of energy for brain functioning is sugar. So if blood sugar drops, automatically our brain function decreases, our cognitive work ability and concentration decreases. This means that this food, apart from being for digestion, is also for the brain, for energy too, it has many benefits.

The times for breakfast in the morning are different for each person, because once you wake up, eat, have breakfast in the morning that's it. Well, the most appropriate time for breakfast is actually as soon as we wake up. We drink water, eat straight away. Because of what ? Because so it doesn't take too long. If most people usually sleep 11-12, that means 7 hours then 6, 7 in the morning. Well, it's best to fill it with food immediately. Because if fasting for more than 10 hours, it is feared that ketones will occur, and that is not good for the brain. Ketones are the result of breakdown. So, we use sugar as an energy system. When we fast for 4 hours, the body uses sugar reserves in the liver, called glycogen. Fasting for 10 hours starts these fat reserves being burned, but converted into sugar.

Well, fats become sugars that are called ketones. He is acidic in nature. So, if it is produced in the brain, it can interfere with decreased concentration. So it's best to fill it immediately, because if you don't fill it, the ketones build up, that's why your mouth smells bad in the morning. Because it breaks down fat into sugar, and that interferes with its performance. Not to mention, if we don't eat breakfast, we tend to eat too much at lunch, too much, because we get hungry too quickly during the day. Because we are fasting from night, further until noon, eating it becomes revenge. It becomes excessive, it becomes crazy.

So don't forget this breakfast in the morning. In terms of your own mood, it also has an influence. Because blood sugar is low, making it sluggish, our brain's performance slows down. When you are given an assignment by a lecturer or teacher, it's very difficult. Finally, because he didn't eat, he became emotional. Likewise with the hormone serotonin. That's what makes us happy, what makes us happy. Blood sugar drops, serotonin drops, ultimately we are not happy, we are innately angry all the time. So it's very influential.

Then there were complex carbohydrate foods, like oatmeal, wheat. Then, fruits such as bananas, papaya, watermelon and melon are potassium. It can increase peace of mind. So you can be more calm in your soul, your mood is better.

Lastly, tips and tricks for steemian friends at home, don't skip breakfast. Because this breakfast doesn't make you fat, because we choose the right one that suits our portion or calorie needs. Then a healthy breakfast should contain complex carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber and also vitamins and minerals.

OK, that's all my information for today about the importance and benefits of breakfast. Hopefully it will be useful for everyone.

Greetings always compact.

By @midiagam

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