My entry to The Best of the Week by Italy community


This is my first time entering a @italygame's photo contest. One thing that caught my attention is the way the winners are selected which is through "crowd-sourcing" or simply allowing Steemit users to vote for their choice. I think it's a fair process of selecting a winner. Also, the winning price is generous and motivating.

About my photo, I think that it's my best for this week because I've been following these bees in my backyard to shoot.

As days go by, I'm developing a deeper appreciation for the things that these creatures do for our environment. I've been observing these bees through my lens and following them as they visit one flower after the other. They are very consistent about what they and they are doing it tirelessly. It's fascinating how well they do. It seems like they are programmed to visit every flower across a relatively vast area of wildflowers.

Bees are important!

Allow me to share what Albert Einstein has to say about the bees:

“If the bee disappears from the surface of the Earth, man would have no more than four years left to live.”

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