A life full of opportunities.

A life full of opportunities.

Hello friends of this community; You always have to remember that life is abundant and there are always new opportunities, you just have to see them, if it is not that person, if it is not that circumstance, if it is not that job; There are thousands of options and opportunities far beyond what you can see now, just because you don't see them right now doesn't mean they don't exist, just because you're not seeing them under your nose doesn't mean they don't exist.

Many people think that life only happens within what they can see around them, not what is right in front of them, they think that it is life that changes, not them that can change life; Precisely one of the characteristics of attachment is to limit yourself and prevent you from experiencing and seeing life much beyond your own limits, we have all been there, go through something that you really want, whether it is a job that seems straight out of a dream, someone who It makes you feel butterflies or that opportunity that you think only comes once in a lifetime and suddenly boom, it doesn't turn out as you expected is a very hard blow, but it is good to always be aware that that only means that there is something much better waiting for you.

Every no is just a detour towards something much better, but thinking that the only good thing is what you have in front of you is like walking through life with a blindfold on your eyes, if you close yourself to that only option, you lose yourself for a moment. Lots of amazing trails that you didn't even know existed.

Let me tell you a secret, between us, what you dream or wish for now might not be even half as good as what is really going to happen to you, what you think is the best for you at this moment many times does not even come close to you. Tip your heels to everything that life has to offer you, all the surprises that life has up its sleeve.

Sometimes what we want is nothing compared to all the brutal opportunities that appear when we simply open ourselves to them, so open up, free yourself, don't fear change, rather fear not being the change; And why stress, changes are going to come whether you like it or not, and the incredible thing is to move forward and not stay stuck in the same place.

If you have come here it is because you are interested and you feel like everything is happening to you without you being able to do anything, as if you were a leaf in the wind, if so you are seeing yourself as a victim and I am going to be honest with you, that attitude is not going to take you anywhere good, thinking like that is like giving up your own control, your own movie and letting others decide for you.

It's easy to blame others, I would do it too, but at the end of the day that changes absolutely nothing and here comes the good thing, changing that attitude and starting to see yourself as the leader of your own life, changes the whole game, it means To understand that you have the power to change what you don't like and to go after what you really want is to realize that every choice you make takes you down a new path full of possibilities.

When you take the reins of your life you are telling the world that you are ready for anything and that nothing can stop you, you are charged with such a positive and different energy, so it is about how you decide to face the unknown and dare to Get out of your comfort zone.

Grazie per essere passato dal mio blog, spero che i miei contenuti ti siano piaciuti. Se avete domande, dubbi o suggerimenti, fatemelo sapere nella sezione commenti.

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Stai molto bene!

P.S.: Mi scuso se faccio uno sfogo o un errore nella lingua italiana, mi avvalgo di un traduttore, grazie

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