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Greetings Everyone, This is SHOHANA From #Bangladesh


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Lily and Mily are twin sisters. They are from a broken family. Since their childhood days they just saw their parents fighting and they are separated now. These twin sister sent to a girls' hostel and there they completed their study and learn different things about life. They were not happy in their family environment so they always tried to make friends and hangout with them whenever possible.

After completing their study they enter their professional life and they got job in call centre as senior executive. These twin loves to communicate with people because they want to forget about the toxic family environment that spoiled their childhood. They both find happiness and celebrate each small achievements. After joining the job they had a team of five people and they wanted to add two more to make a team of seven people. There was two male and five female in their team including Lily and Mily.

One day they decide to hangout in a beautiful park in the city and they wanted to have a off day from their office. At first they were five to enjoy the hangout. They brought some foods and drinks to celebrate their off day from work. They were chilling together and their other two more partner joined them. When they were seven they decide to cut a cake and enjoy eating their foods they love. Lily and Mily find their happiness as they were like seven siblings in a family even it was work that brought them together but they had strong bonding. They often plan to share the happiness together this way.


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Lily e Mily sono sorelle gemelle. Provengono da una famiglia distrutta. Fin dalla loro infanzia hanno visto i loro genitori litigare e ora sono separati. Queste sorelle gemelle furono mandate in un ostello femminile e lì completarono i loro studi e impararono cose diverse sulla vita. Non erano felici nel loro ambiente familiare, quindi cercavano sempre di fare amicizia e di uscire con loro quando possibile.

Dopo aver completato gli studi entrano nella vita professionale e trovano lavoro nel call center come dirigente senior. Questi gemelli amano comunicare con le persone perché vogliono dimenticare l'ambiente familiare tossico che ha rovinato la loro infanzia. Entrambi trovano la felicità e celebrano ogni piccolo risultato. Dopo essersi uniti al lavoro avevano un team di cinque persone e volevano aggiungerne altri due per formare un team di sette persone. C'erano due maschi e cinque femmine nella loro squadra, inclusi Lily e Mily.

Un giorno decidono di uscire in un bellissimo parco in città e vogliono prendersi una giornata libera dal loro ufficio. All'inizio erano in cinque a godersi il ritrovo. Hanno portato del cibo e delle bevande per festeggiare il loro giorno libero dal lavoro. Si stavano rilassando insieme e gli altri due partner si sono uniti a loro. Quando avevano sette anni decidono di tagliare una torta e di divertirsi mangiando i cibi che amano. Lily e Mily trovano la loro felicità perché erano come sette fratelli in una famiglia, anche se era il lavoro a unirli, ma avevano un forte legame. Spesso pianificano di condividere la felicità insieme in questo modo.

Learn More About The Contest Here : DIGITALY #39 - Official Magazine of the ITALY Community / Rivista ufficiale della Community ITALY

Enjoy My Latest Short On YouTube :

Source: My Channel


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Love & Peace ❤️😇

A #steemexclusive Blog Written By @shohana1


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