13-10-2022 - ranking of social based on blockchain [EN]-[IT]


Logo Lens Protocol owned by = https://lens.xyz/, font used is Dapp Radar
Ranking information taken from: https://dappradar.com/rankings/category/social

~~~ La versione in italiano inizia subito dopo la versione in inglese ~~~

On 23-08-2022 Dapp Radar provided the following data on blockchain-based social networks.
The ranking of the most popular apps in the last 24 hours (referring to the date above):
1-PeakD (blockchain HIVE)
2-Steemit (STEEM blockchain)
3-Ecency (HIVE blockchain)
4-Hive Blog (HIVE blockchain)
5-APPICS (Telos blockchain)

Below is the ranking of the most popular apps in the last 7 days (referring to the date above):
1-KAI Membership (blockchain KARDIA chain)
2-PeakD (HIVE blockchain)
3-Steemit (STEEM blockchain)
4-Ecency (HIVE blockchain)
5-Lens Protocol (Polygon blockchain)

Below is the ranking of the most popular apps in the last 30 days (referring to the date above):
1-KAI Membership (blockchain KARDIA chain)
2-Lens Protocol (Polygon blockchain)
3-Steemit (STEEM blockchain)
4-PeakD (HIVE blockchain)
5-Step.app (blokchain Avalanche)

Now let's take a look at the rankings with data updated to date.
Below is the ranking of the most popular apps in the last 24 hours:
1-PeakD (blockchain HIVE)
2-Steemit (STEEM blockchain)
3-Ecency (HIVE blockchain)
4-Decentraland (ETH blockchain, Polygon)
5-Hive Blog (HIVE blockchain)

Below is the ranking of the most popular apps in the last 7 days:
1-Lens Protocol (Polygon blockchain)
2-PeakD (HIVE blockchain)
3-Steemit (STEEM blockchain)
4-Ecency (HIVE blockchain)
5-Decentraland (ETH blockchain, Polygon)

Below is the ranking of the most popular apps in the last 30 days:
01-Lens Protocol (Polygon blockchain)
02-Steemit (STEEM blockchain)
03-Decentraland (ETH blockchain, Polygon)
04-PeakD (HIVE blockchain)
05-KlimaDao (Polygon blockchain)
06-Ecency (HIVE blockchain)
07-KAI Membership (blockchain KARDIA chain)
08-SOMESING (blockchain Klaytn)
09-Hive Blog (HIVE blockchain)
10-Step.app (blokchain Avalanche)
13-APPICS (blokchain Telos)
14-Liketu (blokchain HIVE)
20-HUDDLN (Polygon blockchain)

Since the last time I looked at these rankings, almost 2.5 months have passed and several changes have taken place. In the 24-hour ranking we always see that PeakD and Steemit were the most used socials.
If we move on to the 7-day ranking PeakD and Steemit always remain in the top three positions, but the first position is occupied by Lens Protocol. In the 30-day ranking we have a surprise, in first place we find Lens Protocol, followed by Steemit in second place and Decentraland in third place.

According to Dapp Radar, if we analyse the most used social networks in the last 24 hours, in the last 7 days and in the last 30 days, we always find Steemit in the top 3 positions. I find it strange that Lens Protocol occupies the first position in the ranking for the last 30 days as it was not yet active as a social network, but I am probably wrong. I find it interesting that in the 30-day ranking we see in 13th position APPICS, a Social Network built on TELOS blockchain similar to Instagram.

Have you ever heard of Lens Protocol?

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La classifica
Il 23-08-2022 Dapp Radar forniva i seguenti dati a riguardo dei social network basati su blockchain.
La classifica delle app più popolari nelle ultime 24 ore (riferite alla data riportata sopra):
1-PeakD (blockchain HIVE)
2-Steemit (blockchain STEEM)
3-Ecency (blockchain HIVE)
4-Hive Blog (blockchain HIVE)
5-APPICS (blockchain Telos)

Qui di seguito la classifica delle app più popolari negli ultimi 7 giorni (riferite alla data riportata sopra):
1-KAI Membership (blockchain KARDIA chain)
2-PeakD (blockchain HIVE)
3-Steemit (blockchain STEEM)
4-Ecency (blockchain HIVE)
5-Lens Protocol (blockchain Polygon)

Qui di seguito la classifica delle app più popolari negli ultimi 30 giorni (riferite alla data riportata sopra):
1-KAI Membership (blockchain KARDIA chain)
2-Lens Protocol (blockchain Polygon)
3-Steemit (blockchain STEEM)
4-PeakD (blockchain HIVE)
5-Step.app (blokchain Avalanche)

Ora andiamo a vedere le classifiche con i dati aggiornati ad oggi.
Qui di seguito la classifica delle app più popolari nelle ultime 24 ore:
1-PeakD (blockchain HIVE)
2-Steemit (blockchain STEEM)
3-Ecency (blockchain HIVE)
4-Decentraland (blockchain ETH, Polygon)
5-Hive Blog (blockchain HIVE)

Qui di seguito la classifica delle app più popolari negli ultimi 7 giorni:
1-Lens Protocol (blockchain Polygon)
2-PeakD (blockchain HIVE)
3-Steemit (blockchain STEEM)
4-Ecency (blockchain HIVE)
5-Decentraland (blockchain ETH, Polygon)

Qui di seguito la classifica delle app più popolari negli ultimi 30 giorni:
01-Lens Protocol (blockchain Polygon)
02-Steemit (blockchain STEEM)
03-Decentraland (blockchain ETH, Polygon)
04-PeakD (blockchain HIVE)
05-KlimaDao (blockchain Polygon)
06-Ecency (blockchain HIVE)
07-KAI Membership (blockchain KARDIA chain)
08-SOMESING (blockchain Klaytn)
09-Hive Blog (blockchain HIVE)
10-Step.app (blokchain Avalanche)

13-APPICS (blokchain Telos)
14-Liketu (blokchain HIVE)

20-HUDDLN (blockchain Polygon)

Dall’ultima volta che ho visionato queste classifiche sono passati quasi 2 mesi e mezzo e sono avvenuti diversi cambiamenti. Nella classifica a 24 ore vediamo sempre che i social più usati sono stati PeakD e Steemit.
Se passiamo alla classifica a 7 giorni PeakD e Steemit rimangono sempre nelle prime tre posizioni, ma la prima posizione è occupata da Lens Protocol. Nella classifica a 30 giorni abbiamo una sorpresa, al primo posto troviamo Lens Protocol, seguito poi da Steemit in seconda posizione e da Decentraland in terza posizione.

Secondo Dapp Radar, Se andiamo ad analizzare i social network più utilizzati nelle ultime 24 ore, negli 7 giorni e negli ultimi 30 giorni, tra le prime 3 posizioni troviamo sempre Steemit. Trovo strano che Lens Protocol occupi la prima posizione della classifica degli ultimi 30 giorni in quanto non mi risultava ancora attivo come Social Network, ma probabilmente mi sto sbagliando. Trovo interessante che nella classifica a 30 giorni vediamo in tredicesima posizione APPICS, Social Network costruito su blockchain TELOS simile ad Instagram.

Avete mai sentito parlare di Lens Protocol?

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