Phu Quy island — A rising star — Vietnam

As a person who was born and raised near the beach, a beach holiday is never my first option when planning a trip with friends, however, Phu Quy island is an exception — located about 120 km in the south-east of Phan Thiet city, even though it is near my hometown, it was not easy to get there.

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It used to take 5 to 6 hours to reach the island from the mainland, and the only means was by fishing vessels. Thanks to the growing demand for tourism and new investments, access to the island get easier and much faster as more vehicles are available with the mid-speed or high-speed ferry from Phan Thiet harbor, now the journey only takes about 2.5 to 3 hours depending on the weather.

However, getting there was still a bit of a hassle for me. Our first booking in January this year was canceled because of bad weather conditions, and we had to wait until this April to make the trip. Luckily, everything was perfect last time.

There are so many reasons for me to visit Phu Quy, it is near my hometown, so this is a "must", there are no reasons not to learn more about your homeland, don't you agree? Besides, the island is such a treasure, so isolated and off the beaten track, it checks all the boxes for a getaway.

The best time to visit an island in Vietnam is springtime and summertime, however, the local told me that it is better to go before May as the rainy season has started earlier and has changed quickly over the years, your chances of stepping on the island would get slimmer near the end of the summer months when heavy rain and tropical storms make the voyage less pleasant.

From Ho chi minh city (HCMC), we took a 4-hour night bus to Phan Thiet city. It was still dark when we arrived, then the transit van took us to the harbor, we had breakfast and were ready to catch the first ferry of the day to Phu Quy.

One-way ticket costs 350.000 VND (price in April 2021) for a bed, you can also choose the seat at a cheaper price if it's still available.


After almost 3 hours on the sea, we arrived at Phu Quy port.

The best way to get around the island is by scooter, so we rented 4 bikes for the whole group (8 people).

As the islands just opened to tourists in the last few years, there are not many hotels, but you can stay at other accommodations such as guest house and homestay, I would recommend you stay at the homestay as it is cheaper, yet comfortable and you have a chance to get to know the locals.

Are you ready? Let's explore this beautiful island!

Day 1: Phan Thiet - Phu Quy

1. Wind farm


The wind power project started in 2013 has given the area hope to spur its economic growth. Because of the long distance from the mainland, power used to be a big issue on the island, but the project has helped the islanders to improve their living conditions.


Heading toward the North of the island, we could see three huge wind turbines from afar.

It was a gorgeous day, the sky was clear and we had a stunning close-up of the wind turbines.

2. Ganh Hang cliff

After having lunch and taking a short nap, we were so excited to hit the road again.

The first stop was Ganh Hang cliff — about 3.5 km from the town center, we followed the main road then went up the coastal road.

On the way to Ganh Hang, you also pass a lookout point known as "Doc Phuot", because it's near the slope and people often stop there to check in, it is also near the flag pole, but we would visit it later.



There are some amazing bluffs and rocks in different shapes, some are quite exposed, so mind your step.


Taking in the wonderful panoramic vista of this beautiful island is one thing you shouldn't miss.


Hồ vô cực (Infinite pool) — a popular check-in spot amongst young tourists. I think the name comes from a very popular pose they often do there, posing on the edge of the pool, from the right angle, it looks like the sea is infinite.

To reach this place, you can climb down from the cliff, follow the narrow path and hold on to the rock, be careful not to hurt yourself as the shingles are quite exposed, rugged, and uneven.


You would see a little creek shaped by the waves and the sea, then go up a bit and step down, you cannot miss it — a natural "pool" formed by nature.


We were there in the late afternoon, so it was a little busy as people lined up for a perfect photoshoot as well as waiting for sunset.

The giant black stone shaped by the volcanic eruption here is impressive, you would find some striking escarpments like those along the coast.



3. Hòn Tranh islet

The weather was very lovely, we got up early to move to Hon Trang islet — a small, exotic island, just about 1 km from Phu Quy island — it's also one of the most beautiful in the selection of islets near Phu Quy.

You could rent the whole canoe to get there or share with others, the more the people, the cheaper the share.

The islet is full of historical legends and photogenic spots to discover.

The first sight of the islet is the sandy beach along the shore with crystal clear water, everything is perfect for an excursion.

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From the front beach, walking toward the North, you could find a small path passing through the forest and then a small area which grows pandanus tectorius — a pineapple-like fruit used to make the region's special wine.

Getting out of the bush, there is an open bay where you can take a dip or explore the various impressive bluffs.

Cổng Tò Vò (To Vo gate)

It is smaller and lower compared to the gate which has the same name in Ly Son island.

The gate, which has a shape of an archway, has become a popular check-in spot thanks to Instagram and Facebook 😂.

Following the bluffs, we found an open area surrounded by rocks, later we found out that it has a name as well, it's called "Vũng Phật" — it is said that this was the place where a sacred stone stored at a local temple was found.

It looks like a small private natural pool for us as nobody was around, everything is so pristine and it felt like we were treated like kings and queens lol.



By the time we walked back to the front beach, it had been busier as it was nearly noon, people were either cooling off in the water or paddling the sups.

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I wished I knew how to get it moving, but we were just spinning around.

On the way back, we also got a chance to see the coral reefs and colorful small fish, even though it was not my first time, I couldn't stop smiling as it felt like I was in a wonderland, the wonder of nature.

The night is still young, but I'll tell you more in the next post. See ya!

To be continued...

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