Best Natural Recipe for Stress - Orange peel/Valerian/Chamomile infusions

Hi my friends of Health Republic!! Like every week we have an amazing contest, this time its about the Best Natural Recipe for Stress.

In this difficult times with this pandemic, economic situation and more, its normal been stressed, but we can not been stressed all the time, its hard, but we have to try it. So, there are so many things you can do to stay reduce your stress like, excersice, walk, wacht series or movie, listen music, but, its so important help our body and our mind with natural récipes like infussions.


This help us to reduce stress and improve our mental and organism health, because when we are stresses some reactions happen in our body like celular damage, head pain, muscular or articular pain, respiratory problems, lack of energy or concentration, sexual problems, tiredness and the worst thing is it compromises our immune system increasing the probability of get sick. So, the following infusions can help you to reduce stress, anxiety and nerves. The first one is Orange peel infusion.

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Maybe you not hear about these if you live in a place where orange isn’t usual. But here is so usual use this for stress and nerves.The essential nutrients contained in the orange peel have a positive effect on the control of nerves, anxiety and insomnia. Its active substances slow down the production of cortisol and increase the secretion of substances that promote relaxation throughout the body. A neighbor use this infusion for a some weeks because she was stressed and have insomnia because unfortunately her son died and this infussion help her to rest.

To prepare it, bring water (250-500 ml) to a boil over medium heat and add one orange peels. Let them rest for 30 minutes and strain, you can take it in the day or at nights.

Additional benefitsContraindications
Regulate bowel movement, avoid indigestion, constipation and trengthen the immune systemIn patients with pre-existing cardiovascular diseases and hypertensive people

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Second is Valerian. Valerian is a great option if you suffer from anxiety and/or insomnia. A plant with relaxing and sedative properties, which calms the nervous system and the brain in a totally natural way, this infusion is similar to orange peel infusion.

To prepare it, you only need two cups of water and two teaspoons of fresh or dried valerian root. You can use it whole or powder the roots into a powder. Heat the water (without boiling), as excess heat can remove the nutrients from this drink, and its ready to drink.

Additional benefitsContraindications
It is a plant that acts as a sedative agent, relaxing the nervous system and the brain, so it is often recommended to relieve stress, it also serves for people with sleep disorders and anxiety.Pregnancy, lactation or in children under 3 years of age.Valerian also decreases how quickly the liver breaks down some medications. Therefore, If you are taking other medications, ask your doctor or pharmacist if you can take this infussion. Should never be administered continuously for more than tendays in a row, as it can lead to addiction.

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Last, we have chamomile infussion is one of the best known and most consumed drinks both for stress and anxiety and to take care of the digestive system in our country or at least in our region. It has soothing properties and, being an organic drink, you can take it daily without any problem and it helps for rest.

To prepare it, do it like if you are doing a regular Té. Boil a cup of water over medium heat for about 4 minutes; get off the fire. Put the water in a cup and add the chamomile dried to the boiling water. Cover the infusion and let it rest for 3 or 4 minutes. Strain and drink.

Additional benefitsContraindications
It helps in treatment of stomach problems, to control poor digestion and treat stomach ulcers, reduce pain caused by menstrual cramps and has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antibacterial properties.It can remit allergic symptoms in some people or respiratory problems. Ingested orally in large quantities can cause vomiting.

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You can find these plants in any part, but for a better result you can buy in a natural store or order on internet some extract or dried plant ready to prepare your infusion.

Well, this is all my friends. As easy as it look! I hope this information can help you.

Thank you so much for another Helathy week @dobartim @tatjanastan @enveng

See you in next post!

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