WEEKLY CONTEST WEEK 8-Healthy Game- The Best Natural Stress Recipe

Golden Week is on its way. It is the time where people in Japan spend this golden moment, with their families,relatives,and friends. Golden Week starts from April 29 to May 5. Vacation, the party's , reunions,and celebrate the beauty of spring season. However it's not going to happen because of the coronavirus.
It makes our movement limited. The freedom we enjoyed becomes a dream that we want to realized.
I'm @jobreyes24 recently working in Japan. Behind the pandemic and the stress that it brought I withstand and life must go on.

Here are my 3F's recipe that relieve my stress:


"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dine well ."-Virginia Woolf

Food is the most essential substance needed for our body. But it is also important to choose what kind of food we take. It must be a balance diet. In the morning I eat vegetables and fruits together with a cup of coffee. And in the afternoon I eat meat together with cup of rice and miso soup and a glass of tomato juice, And in the evening I drink milk with a piece of kiwi to support my sleep.


2. Family/Friends

Connect with my family and friends is the next recipe that lessens my stress. After 8 hours of work my body is tired and sometimes headache . I give a minute or two to chat and contact my family or friends in the Philippines. A simple "How are you?"would do. And I also have a healthy relationship with my fellow Filipinos living in the dormitory. Sometimes we drink and eat together. For me it is important to exchange the energy,to express my feeling,to be inform,to reflect,and to be aware with my family and friends.


3. Fun/Basketball

After the best food of my choice , time with family or friends ,My last recipe is Fun. I find way to enjoy myself through basketball. Fortunately , I made Japanese friends. They also invited me to join their basketball club. I was so delighted because basketball is my life from then. I play basketball during Sunday and Tuesday in the evening. It gives plenty benefits of my body and relieved my stress as well. And being a friend with Japanese is a great opportunity to extend my knowledge ,to learn their language and culture.


I hope you love my recipe.
Have a nice day! Thank you and may God bless us all.
Thanks to @dobartim and to HEALTH REPUBLIC.

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