The best natural strength recipe by @johnkuzzy

Hi friends,
I am very happy participating in this contest and i thank @healthrepublic for organising this great contest.

All of us have been anxious at some point in our lives.
Natural remedies are generally safe to use alongside more conventional medical therapies.
However, alterations to the diet and some natural supplements can change the way antianxiety medications work, There are a lot of things you can do to combat stress naturally. Of course, the goal isn't to get rid of stress completely (that would be a losing battle) but to find ways to minimize and manage it.
Stress Management Is not Just About Stress Relief (Here Is Why)
Here’s the thing: learning how to reduce stress won’t help all that much if you can’t keep stress levels low for the long-haul.
Stress has a ripple effect (both within your body and mind). The key to effective stress management is to help reduce (even prevent) much of this ripple effect. That will ultimately help you to remain calm, think rationally and respond appropriately so that you can more quickly bounce back (called stress resilience) instead of allowing stress to take control of you and emotionally react.
And that is what control is really all about. Controlling your thoughts and emotions. You can’t be in control of your life if you don’t first learn to manage your stress levels.

Below are some strategies for calming stress and anxiousness that really work 👇

Simple Breath Meditation
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By now you’ve likely heard that breathing slowly and deeply reduces stress levels. But how often do you actually do this?
Next time you feel stressed, immediately breathe in and out slowly and deeply through your nose. This simple act helps to counteract the stress response going on within your body.
The best thing about this is that you can do it anywhere and for however long you want. It’s perfect for when you need to quickly calm a chaotic mind by reducing your adrenaline response, yet are short on time.

I recommend setting a timer for at least a couple of minutes and counting each breath as a focal point. Any time you feel your mind wandering, bring it back to your counting.
And take it even further by trying the following technique:

  • Slowly inhale through your nose for a count of 4
  • Hold your breath for a count of 8
  • Exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of 7.

Tune Into Your Body
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When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, take a few minutes to perform a mental scan of your body.
Pay attention to where the stress is manifesting. Is it in your shoulders? Or perhaps in your back? Maybe even within your head (in the form of a headache)?
Performing a mental scan of your body forces your brain to slow down, which counteracts your body’s negative stress response. It also helps you to become more familiar with how stress manifests within your body, enabling you to identify stress more quickly in the future.

To perform a mental scan, do the following:

  • Sit or lay down comfortably.
  • Close your eyes and slow your breathing while counting to 20.
  • Begin scanning your body: Start with your feet and pay attention to how they feel – and your sensations only within your feet. Give yourself 10-15 seconds and then move up to your calves.
  • Keep going until you reach the top of your head.
    Although the purpose is to perform a scan of your body, this practice can have the added benefit of helping to relax your muscles.

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Ginger is an aromatic herb that has long been used in traditional healing systems as a natural remedy for anxiety. The presence of Gingerol, an antioxidant, helps to counteract the harmful chemicals that our body produces when we are stressed. Stress can sometimes lead to an upset stomach since the production of stomach acids crucial for digestion gets hampered. Ginger comes to the rescue by stimulating the stomach acid production too.

How to use?
Enjoy a cup of hot ginger tea by boiling 1 teaspoon of chopped ginger in 2 cups of water for 10 minutes. Strain and add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice for taste.

Relaxation exercises
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Some people unconsciously tense the muscles and clench the jaw in response to anxiety. Progressive relaxation exercises can help.
Try lying in a comfortable position and slowly constricting and relaxing each muscle group, beginning with the toes and working up to the shoulders and jaw.

Spend Some time with animals
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Pets offer companionship, love, and support. Research have confirmed that pets can be beneficial to people with a variety of mental health issues, including anxiety.
While many people prefer cats, dogs, and other small mammals, people with allergies will be pleased to learn that the pet does have to be furry to provide support.
Spending time with animals can also reduce anxiety and stress associated with trauma.

Practice Muscle Relaxation
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When stressed, your muscles get tight. To help you relax and relieve this build-up of tension, practice progressive muscle relaxation.

Here’s how to progressively relax your muscles:

  • Close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply through your nose. I recommend laying down, but you can do this sitting comfortably in a chair too.
  • Slowly tense your feet for 5-10 seconds. Then relax this tension slowly.
  • Keep progressing upward from your toes to your head until finished.

Practice Mindfulness
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One of the biggest complaints I get from my clients is that they are unable to be present in the moment.
When they are at work, they worry or think about personal issues. When they are with family and friends, they think about work. This results in guilt and lots of stress and anxiety.
That is where a mindfulness practice comes in.
Mindfulness is about purposefully focusing on the present moment and accepting it without judgment. A regular mindfulness practice will help you retrain yourself to be more aware of and focused on the present moment.
Most people think that mindfulness necessarily means meditating.. Although meditation is one way to be mindful, it is not the only way. Try mindful eating by slowly chewing and savoring your food while also paying close attention to the taste, smell, look, and feel of it.
And go for a mindful walk by focusing on what you hear, see, smell and touch while on your walk. Identify the colors, textures, shapes and patterns before you. Describe the sounds that you hear and what you smell.
There are also many ways to practice mindfulness (it’s not just about meditation).

In conclusion
Although you can't avoid stress completely, there are lots of things you can do, like exercise, meditation, and taking targeted herbal supplements, to deal with it naturally. For most people, the best defense against stress is a multifaceted, holistic approach that combines several of strategies

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