Hello again! This time I'll show you my Chris Hemsworth hiper-realistic portrait ❤️
This is one of the first hiper-realistic portraits I made. As you can imagine, hiper realism is a drawing style where you have to highlight every detail of the subject 🙉
I felt challenged when I decided to move on to this style 😮 but today I feel amazing because my art is improving a lot! 🥰
Also I'm extremely happy because this particular drawing hides a big secret! And I can't wait to show it to the world 🙈
Stay tuned for more art 🥰 Thanks a lot for supporting my Steemit page even when I decided to return after a long time! 😍 Special thanks to @art-venture community! 🎨
You can also follow me on my Instagram page @arcy.art 🎨to know more about my artwork ❤️