Watercolour painting
280gsm paper
Artist grade Watercolour paints
Time spent - 2 hours
Materials used
Pencil Hb
Watercolour - Artist grade
Paper 280Gsm
Brushes - round*2
Masking tape
Painting Process
After ficxing the paper on a board with masking tapes to get clean edges, the basic sketch is made with the help of Hb pencil with minimum pressure on the tool.
Startedcto paint from the background portion. For this fist lets the paper to wet then applyies light basic colours. Painting was planned from top to bottom for easy of accessing the entire paper without damaging the pre painted part.
Completing the firat layer of colours with minimum saturation. The space for white part is kept unpainted as in watercolour paintings the lightest regions are made with use of the paper white.
After drying the sketch with basic layer of colours, Starts to apply more contrasty colours for creating the detailing and sharp edges.
Finishing the entire portions and then removes the paper tap without damaging the paper.
Finale view
I hope that was enjoyable. Stay tuned for more art related contest like these.
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