Tyrion Lannister | Pencil Portrait Drawing

Tyrion Lannister

I believe, Tyrion Lannister would be one of the best character in the Telivision series history ever. I bet there won't be much people against this opinion of mine. Nobody will ever forget this character from the great Game of thrones series, and of course him, Peter Dinklage - who gave his face too. His masterful performance gave the place on the top for this character.

He is one of my favourite too.

So for past two days, I have been working on a pencil portrait with much detailing. The face I selected as a reference was of him. I took more than 3 hours to create this one. It's been a few days since I worked on a pencil portrait like this.

And here is my artwork.

Pencil Portrait

Tools used
Paper A3, 300gsm 11.7 x 16.5
Pencils - 2H, Hb, 2B, 3B, 5B, 6B, 8B, 10B
Wool piece
Masking tapes
Paper pieces
Graphite powder

How I made the painting

I fixed the paper over a flat drawing board with masking tapes. Instead of going with grids, I wanted to draw directly from the reference. So I made the outline sketch with a 2H pencil. I made it with good care and it helped me from more use of erasers.

This time I wanted to leave space for highlights while shading. So I used an empty pen to make markings on the paper where I wanted to create white spots and white hairs. Shading over the markings gave me good highlights. For quick shading over a larger area I used wool pieces and graphite powder.

For the final touch up, I used more darker 10Hb pencils on the places where I wanted to show more darker shadows. Left the background untouched and removed the tapes from the canvas.


Project 4.png

I hope that was enjoyable

Stay tuned for more contents like this. This your is friend @artographer, I will be seeing you soon. GODSPEED

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