Each action has its own hour. His hour has come. The wind ruffled his gray hair. It's time. Winter hairstyle cannot be fluffy. No, he didn't want to be bald either. But who asked him.
Каждое действие имеет свой час. Настал и его час. Ветер взъерошил его седую шевелюру. Пора. Зимняя причёска не может быть пушистой. Нет, лысым он тоже не хотел быть. Но кто его спрашивал.
And now the time has come for the last flight. There were three of them. They were serious about it. Or maybe they were just having fun?
И вот настало время последнего полёта. Их было трое. Они были серьёзно настроены. А может быть они просто веселились?
From Russia with Love
My last post