Intoxicating Echoes, Bottled Memories & Sips of Euphoria | Black & White Photography | Booze Chronicles

Alcohol may be man’s worst enemy, but the Bible says love your enemy - Frank Sinatra

Greetings the fellow people of Steemit and the WOX Community!

Today i’ve had a little bit of time and decided to make something different, well more different than usual, cuz today let’s pretend that we are in some gallery museum and there’s an exhibition of B&W photography.

Why pretend? Well because after the photos i dug up from my snapchat library i really feel like that I’ve created an album of B&W photography that could potentially participate in an exhibition. 🥴

Anyway i have managed to dug snaps where i was in a bar or a hotel or some party which look quite exquisite per se. The whole point is that the accent is on the booze, the bottles and the environment i have taken these photos, yes i have put filters and let me tell you in this so called silvery filter, the photos really look like some sort of an album you’ll see in some sort of exhibition centre. 😅

I am not gonna write between the photos, because i think all of them just need a quick and continuous look. Think of it like you are scrolling through some album of photos or some theme on Pinterest.









This is the end of the exhibition and the last thing I’m gonna mention is where i have taken these photos. Well i really don’t know exactly, but be sure that all of them are from Milan, Rome and Barcelona.

I am certain that all of the photos i have taken are from a trip, because I don’t normally take photos when I’m home, because i’m so used to home that everything seems boring and when you are somewhere else you either take photos of something that you see back home, but because you are not home you think it’s more interesting, it’s a very weird effect i know. 🤔

Anyway as you see some of the photos are taken from bars and night clubs in Italy and some of them are from Spain, only the last picture is from a homemade party, but still i think it matched the aesthetics of it, that’s why i think that the ideal name of this let’s say album is going to be Booze Chronicles, but in my opinion Cocktail Chronicles sounds better, but there aren’t any cocktails in the photos so it sounds strange, but the title saying “Intoxicating Echoes, Bottled Memories & Sips of Euphoria” sounds fantastic.

Tell me what you think of the title and of the photography. I’m gonna end this post with another alcoholic quote that i like.😄

“A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all the books in the world.” - Louis Pasteur

Shot on IPhone 12
Filters | IOS - Silvery


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