This week I have been trying my hand at shooting flowers through water droplets. I have never tried this type of photography before but it does seem to lend itself to focus stacking, which I do lots of.
The images in this post are some of my initial attempts. I was hoping to get a sharper image of the flower but this was one of the best I could achieve - I suppose it depends on the shape of the water droplet which forms an additional lens between the flower and the camera.
The shot in the main image was created from 42 separate shots at f5.6, 0.6Sec, ISO200
Click on any of the images to view at higher resolution
- Images taken with the Olympus E-M1 III and 60mm macro lens + extension tubes and 2x converter
- Stacked with Zerene Stacker
- Edited with Capture One and Aurora hdr
Below was my camera setup for this image.
And below are single shots from the start, middle and end of the stack.
Below are some more images I managed to create.
I also tried some shots with two water droplets which you can see below.
With my camera setup as below.
I am enjoying this type of photography and believe I have the basics down but think I need to work on making the overall image more interesting and will see how I can improve next week.
If you like my macro images and would like to try focus stacking yourself then please take a look at my tutorial, see links below
Part 1 Introduction
Part 2 Preparing Insects
Part 3 Preparing Flowers
Part 4 Equipment
Part 5 Shooting the stack
Part 6 Processing the stack
Part 7 Editing the stack
Part 8 Final Summary
Thanks for taking a look at my photography