The village of Bailovo, the birthplace of the classic of Bulgarian literature, Elin Pelin, is located east of the Gorna Malina municipal center and 43 km east of the capital Sofia. The writer writes: " My native village is located directly against the sun in a beautiful place, where Sredna Gora separates from its mother Stara Planina and heads east... "
There are 400 residents with a permanent address. In Bailovo, plant growing is mainly developed, and animal breeding has declined. Its natural features make it an attractive place for recreation and tourism. Currently, guest houses are being built, and the construction of eco-trails is to come.
Here is Elin Pelin's native house-museum, which recreates the environment in which Bailovians lived in the 18th and 19th centuries. Everyone who crosses the threshold of the house touches the atmosphere in which the writer worked.
The house has an authentic look and the smell of old house and wood is felt everywhere. Peace and quiet reign here, and nature surrounds you from all sides.