The World of XPILAR - B&W PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART CONTEST WEEK #061 - My entry to the contest / 100% Power Up

A gray day is not a wasted day, I am amazed at how beautiful this tree looked even though it was a cloudy day and it threatened to rain.

Life is beautiful despite its gray and sad days, so you always have to see the positive side of everything. Even though it was a tree without leaves, it was beautiful and had a lot to convey ...

This is my entry for the @axeman contest

Un día gris no es un día perdido, me asombra lo hermoso que se veía este árbol a pesar de que era un día nublado y amenazaba con llover.
La vida es hermosa a pesar de sus días grises y tristes, por eso siempre hay que ver el lado positivo a todo. A pesar de que era un árbol sin hojas era hermoso y tenía mucho que transmitir....
Esta es mi entrada para el concurso de @axeman


(taken and edited from my cell phone)


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