The jumping spider that I photographed in the garden near my village, today I show you, the photo of the jumping spider that I photographed one afternoon, it hides in the leaves of plants and makes a nest, this jumping spider is in the form of As a child, I had to be careful when looking for photos of this spider, when I photographed him jumping between plant leaves, and I managed to take some photos.
By using a cellular camera and an additional macro lens, I also photographed this spider, quite beautiful with the combination of green leaves around him.
In the macro photography contest, spiders are one of the contested categories, and this contest has entered its XXIII week, and this time I am participating in the jumping spider insect category, a macro photography contest in the world of xpilar community is being held by the moderator of the world pf xpilar community @sultan-aceh and supported by @xpilar as the leader of the world of xpilar community.
On a rather cloudy afternoon I was looking for objects and found this jumping spider, when I photographed him jumping into the camera, and his eyes glaring at the camera, I was excited to take some photos that I show you as I show below .
So from me today, thank you for your attention, don't forget the steem promo in your country, I hope you are willing to leave a comment, best regards to all of me @david-city.
Camera used | Handphone |
Contest | Macrophotography |
Photography | Jumping Spider |
Week | XXIII |
Location | Aceh Forest |
Photographer | @david-city |