Blogging on Steemit: It Takes TIME to Create Nice Looking Posts!

For as long as I have been creating content online — which is over 20 years — I have felt that an important part of the process is to always create attractive and well-assembled posts.


Whereas I realize that we often just "want to get something out there," the question I have always asked my self is "Do I feel good enough about publishing this that I wouldn't feel weird or embarrassed if someone were to read it five years from now?"


It's probably a slightly odd approach to take in this day and age where everything is about shorter and faster to get as much as possible done in the shortest possible time. To be honest, I have had plenty of people tell me "I just don't have TIME to read all that!"

So be it. Maybe they simply weren't my kind of audience...

I think people might get frustrated and cut corners once they discover just how much time goes into creating a well-written and attractively presented post or article.

Most of my posts take a couple of hours or more to create, from the "idea" stage, through writing it out, editing it, selecting photos, formatting photos and text, proofreading, tagging and so forth.


That's one of the reasons you'll likely never find me posting 5-6 times a day like some people do. I think that in the almost five years I have been part of this community, the most posts I have put out in a single day might be three, and that's an extreme rarity.

Besides, I'm not a big fan of "oversaturating" with a lot of content... it doesn't actually get you any more followers, and people are more likely to UN-follow if they feel like they can't keep up with you, or it feels like you are even spamming with the volume of posts you put out.

Better to do a little less, and focus on making the posts better.


Naturally, venues like twitter are an exception, but Steemit really isn't twitter and the way content flows through our feeds doesn't lend itself well to twitter-like posts.

And just to clarify, I am not necessarily recommending that people write long posts, just that they present whatever they are sharing attractively.

Thanks for reading, and have a great remainder of your week!

How about YOU? Do you find that creating nice posts takes a lot of time? How much time do you think you spend to make a Steemit post, from idea to "publish?" Do leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — NOT A CROSSPOST!!!)
Created at 20211012 23:20 PDT

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