You know, today we are marking and celebrating the International Women's Day around the globe, and we are engaged with giving education and research efforts at all the levels in the schools with all kinds of degrees that are possible, and we love the working climates being involved with both men and women, and we should respect and admire every gender, and we should like that both genders can do what they want and imagine with the background that we have available, and people with high education can do what the want in the life, and there should be legal opportunities, and we should not do things that are characterized by illegal acts, and we are here to work, to live and to operate in the activities and the forums that we want to work within!
So, the modern societies today is engaged with giving equal opportunites in the working life, in the schools and in the colleges and universities due to the background and the qualifications that we have, and we should not discriminate any according to earlier US President John F. Kennedy, and he also told the world to be engaged with individal and social affairs, and to work hard, and to have the beliefs for the progresses we are forced to develop even further. And we can do the explorations that we find necessary where we want to be from time to time, and life and not life is about to be or not to be in accordance with Winston Churchill, and we should love the life, and when we have the pleasure and the convenience of just being in the world, and there are many organizations that are interesting, and we can work many places, but we should be engaged with doing the work tasks as good as we can from the one working place to the next place with working, and we should respect any kinds of humans with the challenges and the problems some have, and we should open the working places for many people with different kinds of background, and with different individual and social issues.
Today, on 8 March 2023, we are working for being engaged with the issues that are typical for the women, and for giving them the human rights that they deserve in the life, and that is how life is perceived of many people on the blue planet. And there are countries with trouble related to give challenges to both gender, and we should work for development in the world, and for being engaged with giving opportunities at every levels in the societies, and we should love the people we are working with, and we should respect both genders, and the ways they are perceiving the life.
And this international women's day started in New York City on 8 March 1857, and the case was female textile workers that perceived unfair working conditions in the working life in relation to the men, and they also got unequal human rights, and there were several protests and marches for this, and we wish the world to be open, free and developing and giving the human rights to both genders. And the international women's day is about being engaged with the development and the living conditions for both genders, when coming to such things as economic, social and political issues, and many women are qualified for doing different operations, and today we should love everyone, and we should be clever and defending the humanity, and we should all do our moves and our engagements in relation to how the life is perceived of everyone in normal ways, and the life is to perceive and to be perceived, and we must accept that different people on the planet have the same and the different backgrounds, and we should be open to love everybody, and think of people on the planet to live a life with interesting, engaging and challenging tasks, and we are free to think and to feel and to act just as the human creatures are within humanity, and we should always be in life with doing things or not doing things, and we must respect and accept that people have the same and the different jobs in relation to anybody else, and we must respect that people are using the working places for meetings sometimes, and we are all free to operate in such manners that everyone should be loved for his and her personality, and we are in the same and in the different families to each other and friendship and love through many place around the world, many people appreciate when we have this time of globalization many places. So, today we love the men and the women, and there should not be any suppression of anyone, so welcome to life, and the different ages there!
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Sverre Larsen
Kristiansand, Norway
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