On being enjoyed and entertained with the Norwegian painter Odd Nerdrum; The necessity of being a genius person to survive in life!


We cannot just do normal things, and doing all the things that all other people are doing. And the police must go away, and we must avoid trials. So, the main thing is to be engaged with developing, and about asking why I have the imaginations that I have? And sometimes we can answer in nature, and sometimes we cannot. And all people should be away from us, and we should do the art ourselves! There are too many people trying to explain reality, and the attempts are without scientific foundation, and without the literature that explains the reality, and where the reality is coming from. So, books can be removed, but we should use them sometimes when trying to explain who we are and why, and there are just humanity in the nature, and there are also many animals, plants or whatever you can find on the planet.

Odd Olaf Nerdrum is a Norwegian painter, and he is characterizing himself as a figurative Kitsch-painter meaning taking many small and known things and doing them greater into the art. But Odd Nerdrum is also characterizing him as modern classisist with role models from the elderly history of art, and he is also living and operating in protest against the modernism. And the market communication we can take ourselves, since ordinary messages from the police and other people are something that all people can, but we should manage the marketing sciences and market communication in the literature, and programs on TV and on the radio should not be boring, but they should be funny, exciting and interesting. And we must do all the thinking, feeling and actions on our own, with all the variants that we are creating, and that is possible to find in the human nature in the nature, and today we should know things, and there should not just be guesses and noises about what to do. We must live ourselves, and frame the reality just as we find sensible. And some moves are intelligent, and some are stupid, and that are the lessons through any time in humanity. But Odd Nerdrum is challenging, and he avoid all the natural things that are strange and stupid, and he finds his own ways in art to create something. And you know, art is just about taking something individually and collectively into a frame, a picture, a painting or whatever, and we should take away all the people around us, and we should live alone. Imagine things and doing imaginations, that are just we are doing things today to be branded as new, and otherwise things are boring.

Today, the management courses are too distorted, and we should use sciences to explain things, and we should throw other and stupid things into the litter, and we cannot use of time to hear to noises, and the reality is much more exciting, funny and interesting, and there are bad actions to happen, if we can not think in the established and/or new ways, and this perception is true for all professors around the planet. But we should not just listen to professors, but we should take the competence and the courses that are necessary for thinking properly and within scientific manners. And everything could be made as a theory, and life is about understanding the human nature and the nature. And we are dwelling with these things all life, but the main thing is to create something new, and to challenge what we all can see everywhere at all times. Because competence can be developed the whole life, and our personalities are both stable or dynamic through the whole life. And what I am today, is not the same as yesterday and the future that is coming.

Odd Nerdrum is born on 8 April 1944, and hence he is 78 years old today. And what is special with Odd is that he is challenging the philosophy of art, and there are no distinct solution unless it is really true. He comes from Helsingborg in Sweden, and he spouse is Turd Spildo, and they have been together since 1995 either as married or as determined couple in relation to couples one is finding in the nature.

Odd Nerdrum has a lot of imaginations, and they are not being fewer with more education, but the more you know the more you see and experience of different things. And therefore, we should be positive to all the duration of study programs, and the more we know, the less we know for sure. But we should always encourage being engaged with wisdom in the nature, and nobody should tell us to know, but we should do the thinking and acting in life on ourselves. Odd Nerdrum has made many popular paintings like for instance: «Return of the sun», «Dawn», «Drifting», «The cloud», «Woman kills injured man», «Infant» and many more. And if you do not know it, life is about creating established and/or new things, and the more traditional you are, the more boring you are as a human creature.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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