On thinking about what the «Animal Farm» is today; Being linked to the things that happen in the societies; in the markets and in the organizations!


The power of the periphery is in the animals and Bernt Hagtvet being a professor at the University of Oslo and in the Bjorknes Hoyskole is writing about it, and the kids are learning about Animal Farm when they are young in the schools, especially in the United States. And the power in the center is in humans. Any human is a noble being and lord over all animals. And animals do not have intelligence and they are not going into rationality like the humans, so they cannot govern the earth, since we know nothing about what is happening. And when being in any animal farm at the planet, the question is which animals are there, and how the dynamics and the roles are between different animals in the farm.

So, what are fantastic with the animals? They have distinct properties being in the nature as animals, and we can see it on dogs finding drugs where the humans cannot. And we can also see the birds that are flying, and the humans cannot, and the birds are moving their bodies in quickly ways, and that is neither the case with humans also. But in “Animal Farm” of George Orwell, we are find animals like horses, pigs, dogs, rabbits, cows and wolves, and George Orwell wrote this book like being the best-known works of electrifying political fiction. So, what we are doing in the politics and why, that is just about which kind of human you are, and which role that suits your way of being and operating as you have developed yourself through the life.

You know, humans are better than the animals due to different things. First, humans can think and reason on how to do things and why things are as they are. And humans are writing dissertations to explore and to describe the life, and how things are going on with causality and none any causality in life. And humans have their intelligence, they have their rationality, and they have the emotional forces, and these things make the humans better than the animals in nature, and animals have their instincts that are often better developed than we find them in the humans.

So, where do we find power in the societies today, when being in the markets and in the organizations? We find it in the bodies to the humans, and this is often due to education and research of long duration. And the more we know, the less we know! But the education should do something with us, and we should be better off with competence than having nothing at all. And we should be better to think and to use our intelligence when having nothing competence, no models, no concepts and no empirical matters at all. So, the education is forming us as humans in the societies, and we know more when being educated, and we can write and say just as we wish!

The goal of the Animal Farm was to create an egalitarian society where all were equal in worth and social status, but the principles of animalism quickly changed. Squealer becomes a propaganda machine for Napoleon. Animal Farm quickly becomes a police state, where any animal who contests the leadership will be killed. So, the animals can wish their social status and their being as the statement in the French Revolution about freedom, equality and brotherhood, and nowadays we cannot always find this pattern in the societies, since the leaders of the states and the organizations often have education that are forming them, and education is often the way to better positions than you ever have had, and we should be cynical about using the expertise we have, and any education is better than nothing, and many people with competence today are using their competence, and they are earning money in relation to what they know, and we should do the same!

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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