The history of music artists; The case of Erik Satie!


Erik Satie was a French composer. He is most known for his minimalist pieces for piano,as for instance the three The Gymnopedias and The Gnossiennes. Gymnopedie number one has been especially know for Norwegian listeners through the TV-series Summer on Mirabelløya, and that is a Norwegian reading program for children that aired on NRK Fjernsynet in 1975. And it is sent in rerun several times.

So, you know, going to the life is just visible and invisible matters, and we cannot know anything to any times where we are from time to time. And we are finding the music of Erik Satie on the ordinary music platforms that we have in the life, and these are YouTube, YouTube Music, Spotify, Deezer and Apple Music, and we can listen to what we want there, and we can develop ourselves with music and with different images and imaginations that are just possible to happen in the life, and we here to do quality in our efforts, and to buy and to sell different products and attempts about what is going on in the life, and we should try to understand all things that are happening in our lives, and also with all kinds of fantasies and dreams that we are perceiving to many times.

You know, life is about knowledges and study programs and education and research about how to understand something, and we are all here to enjoy the life, and what we are doing in life is either with or without competence, and we should appreciate all our friends, and all people have ever done some choices in their lives, and we should respect and appreciate and admire everything that has ever happened, and the choices can be stupid or sensible, and as humans we are just using our times as we are here, and we should develop the firms using our voices, and we should be loyal and properly in actions in the firms we are within from time to time. But we cannot ignore the life, and we cannot explain competence away for what is happening in the life, and you know, sometimes we must do our best efforts on our own, also when being faced and placed in the research studies, and we cannot agree in too many stupid things that are happening during the day, and there are many kinds of cognitions, emotions and actions and we are all knowing something about these things.

So, all kinds of behavior and reactions that are happening on being online and off the line on the internet, and whatever information platform that is conceivable, so these things are done during the days, and people have their opinions about it, and any organization can be even more dynamically and open for changes with doing more clever and more sensible efforts about what is happening, and we are here to ignore what we do not like, and doing the things that we like, and there could be new information in every second, but this is not the situation that things are being done in the life, and we should find all the abstract matters in the materialism, and we should always use our brains to form the reality with the choices that are possible. So, everything should be kept as simple as possible but not simpler, and we should defend and protect the study programs, and all the royal laws and rules and norms about what education and research are meaning for getting good lives in the societies that we are present with when being with people on the blue planet. And the causes, the processes and the outcomes of everything, that is just things that are happening in the life, when anyone of humans are here to any times anywhere, and hence all kinds of small places and large places are welcome, but we know that the world consists of humans with their personality when coming to psychology and sociology about what is happening at every platform, and we should do the studies on our own, and we should hate any bad attempt from anyone taking away the pleasure of knowing something, and what we know could be true or false.

You know, many music pieces that were produced and composed by Erik Satie were many kinds of music, for instance series, individual efforts and individual imaginations, and also dramatic works and songs, and many more kinds of musical efforts. Erik Satie was engaged with counterpoint in his life, and that is the music pieces we are producing, and the giving efforts of giving the music to the interconnections that are happening, and when doing leadership and interactions about anything that happened, and such is some master studies organized, but we cannot claim anything for new and innovative, unless we find it new in the nature and in the human nature to any times with any kinds of behavior.

And again some music as it was asked to be included! 😃

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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