The mackerel is being perceived as being outside the coast of Norway, especially around on 10 May, and we are enjoying our times with fishing and getting the catches that we expected!


You know, there is a fisherman in everyone of us, and also with getting the fisherman's friend, and we should be here to be quick in the human nature in the nature, and to perceive everything that is happening to any times, and we are free here to enjoy what we are perceiving in the nature from time to time.

The mackerel is something that many people like and perceive while being outside our homes where we can get this fish when it is available, and it is healthy and enjoyable to any times. Did you know that the fish mackerel was the only fish that was available in the shops during the seventeenth century and it was the only fish that was openly available through the Sundays that were coming from time to time? And you know, many people feel comfort and convenient and pleasure with fishing the mackerel, since it is fish with rapid movements, and since this fish is healthy and good to taste in many people's homes, and we are enjoying what is happening from time to time, and there is the invention of everyone of us to be a fisherman, and you know all of us have the knowledges, the skills and the talents of fishing something in the lakes, the seas and the oceans, and we should accept the people we have met ever, and we should also place them in the right ranking pattern of every conceivable when being here on the planet, and therefore we are free to be within or without the environments where things are happening, and we are sometimes better off than being alone when being together with people that are badly ranked or not ranked at all, and this is due to the fact that people are not thinking properly, and that many lives are just copies of other people's lives and expectations and beliefs, and this way is not the desirable of all lives that we can perceive on the planet, with history back to older days.

So, the name mackerel, where does it really come from? Well, nobody of us can make this story and history and explanation true, and we are here to be engaged with different explanations when perceiving and experiencing many of the fish that we are fishing to any times, and anybody of us can be a fisherman, since it is just to be there and doing adjustments and adaptations, and understanding the atmosphere on the sea when being out there in the boats and many ships trying to get and to develop the caughts that were are having and getting from time to time. And where does the name mackeral really come from? Well, the French name ‘maquereau’ also means ‘pimp’ which most people associate with the mackerel’s brilliance of colours. And hence, this fish got its name due to what we are seeing when getting this fish when being out there, and we should be aware of what is happening, and not being too tired of anything, because people being tired, they are not convenient and inspired and motivated by doing their best when the necessary actions with these things are going on, and we should do our best and longest efforts when being together at the sea, and we can catch everything we want, and we should use legal ways of catching the fish, and we are open to work and not being too much engaged with leisure time when we are here, and we should not do nonsense and too much unproductive activities, because we do not earn enough money of doing such things and focusing on wrong efforts and actions.

So, the mackerel is here, and we should eat it, and it tastes good and there is much health in eating the mackerel as we are eating it. And when the mackerel is coming we should be there, and they are relatively easy to catch, and we sometimes get a lot of mackerel since we have come up in a shoal, and we should use our restricted time to earn money and for doing business with what is suitable for us, and we must plan the time and be confident with the fact that we have slept enough when being out there on the work. And good working efforts to anybody are wished from many angles and perspectives, also when being at the sea, and when being home and talking and chatting about what has been done, and where we should put our resources and time within, and what should be our focus many places. And we are using yarn and purse seine and trawl to get a lot of fish.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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