The world inventions; The history and the case of playing bowling!


We should use the free time to play bowling or whatever! And we should not be told what to do in all circumstances, because we have higher education and much research, and we know what we are doing from time to time and from place to place. But cogntions, emotions and friendly actions should be wanted many places, and we know how to know, and why we know as we know!

Where does the word bowling come from? Well, as many words it has its word-of-origin in a distinct place, and we are all with our bodies at special places where we can told you about the origin or not through many periods of time. So, where comes the word bowling from? Well, it is a game played with balls, mid-15c. (implied in bowlyn), from gerund of bowl "wooden ball" (early 15c.), from Old French bole (13c., Modern French boule) "ball," ultimately from Latin.

The earliest form of bowling known to exist has been traced back to ancient Egyptian time, around 5,000 BC. The ancient Egyptians rolled stones at various objects with the goal of knocking them over. Over time, various varieties of bowling emerged from the Ancient Egyptian game.

How are the rules of playing bowling? It is a game consisting of ten frames. In each frame, the bowler will have two chances to knock down as many pins as possible with their bowling ball. In games with more than one bowler, as is common, every bowler will take their frame in a predetermined order before the next frame begins.

In bowling, a perfect game (in 10 pin at least) is 300 points – strikes in each of the first nine frames, and three in the tenth. If you're bowling way below that, you may feel like you have a lot of practice before you see a higher bowling score.

You can believe in bowling as a philosophy of life with what you are doing on the bowling lane in bowling. We believe in bowling. After playing for many years, I am able to visualize my life philosophy through bowling. I imagine life as a bowling lane turned on its side so that it is vertical. I imagine that I am the bowling ball, the bowler is my mindset, the pins are my goals, and the gutters are disaster areas.

In bowling, the ball is the center of the game, much like the protagonist of a story. I imagine myself as the ball. The object of the ball is to hit the pins (my goals) and attempt to stay out of the gutters (disaster zones). The bowling ball is the focus of bowling, much like I am the center of my own life. So, being capable and able to manage the different challenges in bowling, mean different things to your life and my life, and life is about a philosophy to learn and to practice all the life length.

The bowler represents my mindset. Much like the bowler must decide where the ball should go, my mindset determines what I aim for, in terms of my goals in life. As I earlier explained, I imagine the bowling lane is sideways, or vertical. This helps to better explain how the bowler represents my mindset. If the bowler aims too low, the ball will fall into the gutter. For instance, if I believe I won’t do well, I will fall into disaster. However, if the bowler aims too high, the ball will also go into the gutter, much like if I aim too high and my head is in the clouds, I might go into the disaster zone. But if both the bowler and I aim a straight course, we will reach our goals.

The pins in this analogy are my goals. The more pins a bowler hits, the higher the score. The straighter my path to my goals, the more goals I reach. Much like the ball can be affected by oil and spin, the straightness of my life path can be affected by sin. The more sin I have, the further off course my life goes towards the disaster zones. The further off course my life bowling ball goes, the less likely it will reach many goal pins.

The final key factor in my bowling life metaphor is the disaster zone gutters. In life there are disaster areas that I can fall into if I do not have the right mindset. The gutters represent these disaster zones, which can include depression, apathy, failed expectations, and poor work ethic. In bowling, if the bowler aims too far left or right, the ball will go in to the gutter. In life if I aim too low or too high, or if I sin greatly, I will fall into the disaster zones.

Therefore, bowling is just a philosophy of what we are doing in life, and what we are trying to achieve of different goals and purposes. We are the center of our lives, but we should find our identity. And my identity is to be a strong personality, winning all the matches in sciences as we are facing, reading and dwelling with and writing much literature, and I should be aware of my competitive advantages of the nation I am within from time to time. And life is a competition where we need to be strong and visible. And we should be for the benefit of many people, and try to make their lives even more meaningful!

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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