The world inventions; The history and the case of the umbrella!


You know, many of us are using the umbrella when it is raining, and I guess you have seen and experienced the rain several times, and we are using the umbrella to protect ourselves from being wet in the rain, and we should use the umbrella in the television channels and in the organizations when we should cover several areas or issues into a unity where we want to be.

So, what are really these domino effects in the markets and into the organizations about doing what we are doing, or we go for nothing that is happening. And many people are geeks about what is happening, and therefore we are sure or unsure about every new move in the organizations and in the markets, and we should be as clever as we can. In the beginning, there was darkness, and God said a formula for light, and there was light. We also perceive markets for a long time, and since people have done exchanges of easy and complex manners and tasks, there have been markets, and they have properties internally, externally and in the relations between the organization and the people.

So, the umbrella is covering our bodies when there is bad weather, and the weather forecasts are just a description and the causes and the why-questions about why things are as they are, this must be found in the studies, the books and the articles. And we do not always know all the causes and all the processes for what is happening, and we need to use the umbrella when it is useful, appropriate and good.

And the word umbrella means a shadow, and we are putting a shadow over us when we are using it, and we can use it over the whole world, where we are from time to time, and we can be in work, and/or we can have free time and leisure time. And the umbrella was coming to the world for more than 4 000 years ago, and it was first used in Egypt, Assyria, Greece and China. So, the history of the umbrella is just about the origin, and how this product has been developed in every year, and we are having this product today, and the umbrella of 2022 is the most modern product that we have, also with all research and development, and development of new products. And the product is the most important thing and variable and factor in marketing.

So, how do you frame the world in your head, of all conceivable patterns that have ever been done in all kinds of history at the earth? Well, we are selecting something of all the possible choices and perspectives of freedom which we are getting from time to time. And liberty is important in societies to any time, and therefore we have the Statue of Liberty in New York. And the nice thing with life is that you can read what you like, and making the research as you like, and there are just moves and choices, and as humans we choose the traces and the ways of doing things like we are doing when we are doing things.

So, the umbrella, that is just a shelter and a protection, and in organizations the umbrella organization is used to signal who has the power, and how the dignity is structured where there are people. The parasol is a symbol for the sun, and the umbrella is a symbol for the shade. So, we are finding philosophy and why things are as they are, and we find them in the freedom of nothing written, in the literature where things are written, or just in the guessings of trying to find a meaningful life with surprises and structure about how to do things. And we are selecting things, and you know, nobody can take the philosophy of our lives to other people, and we are here to make satisfaction among the people, and that is just inside and outside the organizations.

So, we should take the decisions in life, and these are either based on facts or on fiction, and we are doing the life of documenting effects of any findings in the literature, and what we are doing are just framed about what we know and do not know, and no human has the authority and the explanation power of explaining everything in life, and therefore the life is like it is.

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A time for everything; How to use the freedom behind all conceivable research that we can find!

Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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