The world inventions; The history and the case when the research started!


You know, research is just starting with the education system, and the first developed and first original research system was happening in China. And you know, we should use the research system and we should use the knowledges, talents and insights from these studies, and many people can lead such studies, but studies have done something with you if you are thinking more deeply and reflected after getting the research system than it was before anything was happening.

The first education system and therefore research was developed during the Xia dynasty in China in the period 2076 to 1600 before Christ. And you know perhaps that research is a search once more in different and same systems from time to time. And we can search as long as we want in the past, and we can do investigations in the present, and we can plan what the future will be like. And science comes from the latin word «scire» meaning that we can know and not know the human nature and the nature. And we should lead the development in the businesses ourselves, and we should not be pressured to doing things we do not want to do, and we have more knowledges than most of the leaders in many countries, and therefore we should use our knowledges to earn as much money as it is possible.

So, there have been many intelligent people before us, and they have known a lot of different aspects and issues in the human nature in the nature. But the formalized study programs started at the year 2076 before Jesus Christ. The first education programs were about rituals, literature and archery. First the education systems were for aristocrats, but after a while it was for normal people as farmers, workers and so on. And probably, there were research investigations earlier than 2076 before Christ, but these studies were informal and formal, and they did not have a study program to support their efforts regardless of where they put their bodies in distinct places.

Different nations have had study programs in their country for a long time, for instance in China (as mentioned), India, Greece, Japan and more places. And the origin of sciences together with the awareness of the religions have created a new and better world than just knowing nothing for anybody. But the development of knowledge is both of a critical issue and a skeptical way of wondering, and maybe some things have been better, something is the same as before, and maybe our knowledges have done things even more badly!

So, today we have lists of research institutions, also within nations! And this means that many people are seeking the truth and the recognition at the same time, and some are travelling to get contact with their customers and with their organizations that are cooperating with them, and some are engaged with many meeting, and research is about winning knowledges and insights within some problems and some areas, since we cannot grasp the whole world with just one simple grip! And this also means that you can work or not work when you have the time available, and you can do your work with trust and friendship, and being delivering a work to people that have not the same insights as you and me. And we can work where we want, and the leisure time and free time is open to do whatever you want! So, there is much diversity, freedom and precision within research, and researchers typically investigate once more than before, and they find new things, and they are uncertain about whether processes and outcomes are as before, or whether we should turn our ways of perceiving the problems, the areas and the phenomena.

So, is there time pressure when doing the research? Yes, there is. And we cannot use too little time or too much time on the work, so there is an appropriate use of time, and we should deliver the report, the journal and/or the book with knowledges that are in accordance with what we know after doing the research, and we should meet the requirements and the expectations, and we should present the studies, and telling what is known now that was not known before. So, therefore research is what we have done in schools forever and ever when reading a book once more!

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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