We got it in Tokyo! On making the bronze medal in sailing! Amazing!


Yeah, Norway did it once more! We are proud of Hermann Tomasgaard getting the bronze medal in sailing. And this shows that although Norway is a little country in the world, we can make medals out of our operations at home, and Norway is not just sport for the winter, but we are also doing great things in the summer!

Write and notice the name Hermann Tomasgaard (27) from Norway, and remember and remember it for a long time! Norway did it once more, and we are having a bronze medal on Sunday 1 August, and our thoughts go to all the families and all the friends that are affected of this great performance! And on my birthday, I am 50 years old today together with my twin Jenny Aamodt from the village Soegne, we congratulate the best we can and we are doing much applause to Herman Tomasgaard, and we wish his family and his friends the best processes and outcome for the day, also in Tokyo in Japan! Yes, they can compete in Japan! So, there is competition in Japan, and some of the public organizations live in a closed environment. And thanks to professor Michael E. Porter from Harvard Business School with making all the offerings to us! Yes, Norway has been visible in The Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo, and many people appreciate and like these things.

The sailing competition in Tokyo was a bit dramatic, and Hermann Tomasgaard had never believed himself that he should get a medal in this competition, but he did it, and even the King of Norway, King Harald the fifth, has sent his congratulations to Tokyo from the whole nation in Norway. And there is much about the royal family in Norway, and they are doing an amazingly good job, and representing our nation in Norway and in other countries, and we should appreciate the royal family and wish them welcome to many working operations.

You and I can do whatever we like in our lives, and we must use enough of time and enough efforts when doing things properly, and this is also the situations in sports. In sailing, as in many other sport disciplines, you need strength, drive and endurance to win medals in the Olympics or in other international competitions!

But any of us with interests for boats and the oceans, want to do it good in sailling. What are the real issues of being as good as possible, and what should we think about in addition to use enough time and energy on it!

  1. Think Seriously About How to Improve Your Sailing Tactics and Strategy.
  2. Work on Your Fitness.
  3. Read Some Sailing Books.
  4. Read Your Old Notes.
  5. Fix up your boat.
  6. Go Frostbiting.
  7. Use Mental Rehearsal and Visualisation to Improve Your Sailing.
  8. Watch Some Sailing Videos.
  9. Read The Final Beat.
  10. Have a Quality Practice Session on the Water.

We can do sailing alone, or we can do it together with other people. And if you want to practice with other sailors then pick up the phone and organise it. Chances are that others want to improve their sailing too, and they'll be grateful that you're taking the trouble to organise it. Find pleasure and love in life, and enjoy the good myths and stories about many things to have it funny and seriously.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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