What real life is with all kinds of analysis with different large companies in the world!


Try to ask yourself, if you are walking alone in the markets! You are not. There are always people around you doing the same behavior as you, and we are coming to the markets with the same intentions and missions. And we should move, breathe, and buy what we just wanted. But are there some traces after us, with giving the data in the markets to the large companies? The answer is: Yes!

You know, somebody is watching you and try to do the options and the choices for you in the markets. Should it be like this? You should do your own choices according to what is possible in the markets with the freedom being there. If people do not have this orientation, they do not have enough competence and research background about the markets and the market philosophy! People are constructed in such ways that you never get really satisfied in life, because there are too many choices, and the reality is going too fast. The life is consisting of genes, hormones and synapses, and the genes control you with needs, abilities and longings.

Professor Shoshana Zuboff by Harvard Business School is dwelling around the age of surveillance in the capitalism, meaning that everywhere where we are going, and moving on the internet, the PCs and the mobile phones, in the shops, and many more places, we are being monitored. But you cannot accept any statement from friends and family unless there is reason and philosophy behind it. So, instead of listening to all these listenings, you are the king or the quenn in your life in the markets! But at the same time, I can be the creative writer in the markets, I can be the boss there, and I can make all the marketing analysis that should be done!

So, what is the suveillance capitalism? It is like thinking like Karl Marx in the markets. Monitoring people different places is the deepest mechanism that we have in the different economies in all the countries that exist at earth. And we can detect these things, when seeing that things are hidden in the markets, something is undetectable, and something is not understood. This is just giving power to the individual. And therefore, Silicon Valley or other places are leading us behind the light! In the markets and along the roads, you are finding targeted ads, and the companies are trying to use strategies, information and marketing to affect your moves and your missions and behavior many places. So you are not alone in the markets, and every body can be fucked. Hence, if I am in a distinct place, you are also there due to our sexual ways of operating!

There are many misconceptions in the markets, since people are making beliefs without having any competence or having enough competence or the right competence. And therefore you find reactions in the markets that you react on! And these kinds of behavior are the same the world around. The sellers are giving the products to the people in the markets, or they are giving the consumers a good discount, and therefore you can control them, and you can collect personal information. Google and Facebook know where we are, what we are doing since they can see us, and they know all our kinds of behavior, our preferences, and who are our friends and our family. Google and Facebook are collecting data to improve the services that are given in the markets, and in the public organizations. They are building databases, and they are watching you everywhere, for instance being out for some procurements, using the PCs that you are using, being shopping, being at home, and using the car, and also using the mobile phone.

I know that I am an opinion leader about many things. And these things, companies are doing analysis on, and they are trying to make models on what is happening. So any model or any published material is waste of time and waste of resources unless it tells what is happening, and how the future should be predicted with human and consumer behavior.

Google, Apple, Facebook and many other companies, consist of many employees doing their jobs in different countries in the wordl, and we can be everywhere at any time. The companies are collecting billions of data, and they try to predict your behavior with many things, for example which food you just eat, what you are doing as a customer or a business customer in a restaurant, and also about what kind of will you have. The companies are doing surveillance and targeted marketing, and the customers could leave their data in the markets on digital platforms or other kinds of tools that contain data and information. They can check you personality, your emotions, your sexual wishes, your political intentions, and a whole range of things that are going inside and outside markets, and they use this data to predict the future, and that we can know something about the future, although we know it is uncertain! Your facial recognition from time to time determines who you are, and what you are doing! So, do not think you are the smartest in the markets, if you are not! I can be the best person everywhere, also changing the organizations at Wall Street, but we should all try to be friends of the earth through all of our lives!

So, what can we do about every conceivable detail in life? It could be measured, it could be built models and conceptions about it, and these reports are just helping us to do the markets even better. So, what you and I have ever been, and what we have done, can be used of many companies in the world. Therefore, your should not be naive, but you should be aware and structure your own reality! And you should not listen to teachers, if we cannot do research on it. Everything at earth can be understood in the same way or in a new way in relation to what we know just now! Many companies operate in secret environments, and we should be open to work for them, and for giving the best advices to the markets and to the organizations. There is not too much privacy going on today, and you must tell what you are doing, and give arguments for your behavior, if you are questioned! But always the companies are collecting information among the users, they are trying to create ignorance among the users. You should therefore not be too much concerned about all these moves around you, but you must tell who you are, and what can be respected from you! The companies that exist in the relevant market in question, are trying to manipulate you online and offline with your inner motives, and your outer behavior, and with the emotions that you are given. And all talks through all times can be used, but you must choose something! In addition, the companies try to find who of the people that are having the power, and they examine which methods that are used, and if the user is aware of the choices in the markets. Moreover, you have organizations like CIA, FBI, Pentagon and many more trying to reveal what is going on, and how the societies can be made even better!

Everybody is trying to make money today, especially for a society with capitalism. Some companies are trying to find your buying patterns in the markets, and why you are doing as you are doing. And where will you put your body when paying for the products? The products are the most important in marketing, and any market cannot exist without products! So, accordingly, the products are the firms faces in the markets. And all positions imply to be a human just as the human is functioning from human nature! The products are given us convenience in the markets, and we have this comfort with the products independently of where we are at earth! You can travel around the earth billions of times, and you still have this love for your products at home! Marketing is not an easy walk in the park, handle the car, or being a busy and engaged customer, but it is planning everything from scratch, and doing things better in future than today and in the past. And we must work on right places, and do everything that is required, also writing a Nobel Prize contribution!

The markets are places where businesses try to operate and try to make surplus in the accounting system with behavior that is going on! And today, businesses can do much with consumer behavior. They can listen to the voices and the conversations, and this can be done in the shop, in the media channels like the TV and the radio, in music choices, in visits on the internet pages, and what you are doing and saying when having different meals during the day, for instance around your breakfast table. You should tell things that are private, and in organizations you should tell the internal and the external markets about what should be done to do things in the best public ways. And the microphone is there to tell serious and funny things to the market, and the humans are the market, and you should try to convince the people to do things that the businesses want!

The markets are just like a thermostat, and there is reactions where is the market is out of control, just like the philosophy of the thermostat that you can place at different places. We have everything with collections of data, and that is variety, affect and quality in what we are doing. And you should be a sceptical researcher, as I am, to not accept anything unless there is enough competence and there is anough analysis about what is going on and why. The big companies today, know everything about you, like for instance your car, the food you are eating, and how you are structuring your life being inside or outside your home!

The different mobile phones of all kinds, and the internet are creating great opportunities to the humanity. And the humanity can be exciting, and it means all kinds of doings to humans, and how they are doing things, and why they are doing and not doing as they are! These things mean many things for us, but the most important things are to connect different persons, and getting many humans to be an informant, and maybe a key informant in marketing in the market! We can eat salads and what we like in cafés and in restaurants, and all of our behavior can be modeled, and it can be used nationally or internationally. And hence, the way to Tokyo or New York is just around the corner today. We are living in and working in global areas today!

The companies doing the marketing analysis and the market research can find everything on you today, but they are all trying to map your personal feelings, like for instance your stress level, your anxiety and many more things. Cambridge Analytica is doing much of the same, but they are mapping everything with everybody coming to fear, anger, paranoia and emotions. And the markets can give you information about what many people do, which books you should read, and which political party you should vote for in elections!

The operations in the markets are either public, or they are shadow operations. Try to cooperate with all, and take your time when being there. And hence, much is about collective problems and collective actions. There are huge amounts of works our there, as prime minister of Great Britain Boris Johnson is telling us everywhere, also on TV! We are going out there on social platforms, and the present and the future is filled with meaningful private behavior. But the organizations and the opportunities should always be around us. You cannot ignore honest attempts, otherwise there is something wrong with you! The techologies in the markets are developing themselves in quickly manners, and the government and the market dynamics are always around us. There are human creatures there, just as you and I also are! But we should be the best at Harvard and MIT through all times, and this is not normal for everybody! But freedom and democracy are something that many people like and appreciate!

We have laws in different countries protecting our private lives, like for instance privacy laws as GDPR and anti-trust laws. And data can be ownership, they can be processed, and they can be stored. You should not accept unserious attempts or violence from different companies. And the capitalism must be in operations making products and profit, and everybody should know who we are where we are. We should know what to know now when being whom we are when being!

After watching this documentary made me write this post. Source: Shoshana Zuboff on surveillance capitalism | VPRO Documentary

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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