MY YEAR 2020

My brother - the first photo I took this year.

The year 2020 so far has been full of surprises as well as mysteries. Earlier this year sometime in January I made certain resolutions some of which included making my first million, buying a motorcycle, writing my Grade 8 Piano and Theory exams. So far so good I haven't achieved any of them but as the saying goes, "There's always light at the end of the tunnel". This year has taught me patience, physical patience. As a classical pianist I exercise patience while learning a new piece but I just never fully birthed that patience in the real world. I'd like today to take you through my 2020 from January to December, just sit back and read.

Myself and tezzmax

I started this year in a church in one far away estate close to the capital of Lagos. I was called to accompany a choir some days before and so for the first time in my life's history I spent New Year's Eve away from family (in my family we don't celebrate Christmas but we very much welcome the New Year) and it was really weird but quite interesting. The pay I must confess was quite good. Few days later I went back to school (The University of Lagos) cause school was not on session and I love the peace and quiet as well as the fast and free internet and January was very interesting and I made lots of new friends amongst the Freshers, they were quite cooler than I expected.

In school I played for a fellowship

The session had been on for a while now and the peace and quiet was long gone. New lecturers I spotted here and there, some turned out to be really nice and interesting. The Orchestra class however I came to like, a new and younger lecturer had taken over the course and he had in his invisible Cape new challenging songs. We were to have a concert sometime in April but the whole lockdown scenerio shut it all up. We'll be doing it pretty soon however and I'll upload videos.

Chilling with my bro sometime in March

My little brother had his birthday on the 20th and it was amazing, but unfortunately few days later the total lockdown was issued and my strong resolution walls came crumbling down. It was the first time in over a decade that myself as well as my two brothers and sister were in the same house for a month or two without anyone travelling out of the state. As much as I hated it, it gave me enough time with my siblings, time I know I might not have again in probably two decades or more.

Off to the market with my brothers, tezzmax's the second from the left.

I started working out when I got home, I read loads of books, more books in a week than I usually read in months. I also practised my violin and this time more regularly. My brothers and I formed the habit of going to the market on Tuesdays so that way we know nobody's going to be disturbed later on to get something. We bought everything things we needed in bulk.

A Random portrait with bro.

In this month my Dad and my elder brother was born as well as my good friend @tezzmax, my dad and tezzmax happen to be born on the same day. I kept my workout schedule as well as my reading and practising the violin. All through these periods I barely came online, I was soul searching.

it was my sister's birthday and we were messing around with the camera

I got a call from one of my school friends, he was a Post graduate student when we met (I was in my second year then). He was a producer and worked a digital studio. He invited me over to his place wanting to learn more. So I went there on Tuesdays and slept over till Thursdays. Image new friends while I was over there and learnt some really good stuff. The change of environment gave me new insights as to the book I was writing ( I forgot to mention this earlier, I started writing in March the moment I got home).

My first Sketch

I stopped going to his place because he got a paying job and took a break for a while. I then remembered having watched tezzmax for the past few months sketching that I also used to be a good sketcher a decade and some ago. So I called my brother who worked near "Art World" to get me a set of Bianyo graphite and a sketchpad or two. So the twentieth I did my first sketch of a "Cool Ape". Prior to this month and day I had never for once had any formal training or tutoring in the art, I also didn't watch YouTube videos and even till this day I've never watched any. Tezzmax however gave me helpful tips about contrasts and light. Thanks friend.

A portrait of my bro

The ArtVenture Contest in August was to make a Portrait before this most of what I did were graphic illustrations mostly of wolf warriors. Before I participated I did a lot of freestyle portrait to get in tune. My first entry was that of my brother and the second was a portrait of Smoking Hardy. My days were dedicated to my sketches, I spent up to five hours in a sketch sometimes because of my love for details.

My childhood friend, someone I calle Bighead even though I knew her name was Righteous came over wanting to learn how to play the guitar. For payment of an everyday tutorial I told her to get me a particular chips (it was really good, and really scarce) and that everyday. It was nice teaching someone again I must confess. All the while I was still keeping up my daily sketches.

I participated in the ArtVenture Contest titled "Autumn" with two entries. One of a maple leaf and the other of dears in a dieing forest. Both sketches were made with Markers and a 10B pencil

On the 4th of this month some many years ago I was born. On the 4th of this month this year I was called once again to accompany a choir which happened also to be the first Birthday I'd have on the job. It was on a Sunday though so it wasn't too obvious. I took a long break after my birthday and didn't Sketch for almost three weeks and then I saw the ArtVenture Halloween contest and I was re- awokened. After the contest however I didn't Sketch everyday but I did Sketch good.

with my friend on her birthday

My sketches became more standard seeing I had mastered certain techniques. After the ArtVenture Contest I kept drawing portraits and I gained more experience. 2 of my nephew's had their birthdays this month as well as my only niece. My very close friend also celebrated her's on the 30th, and I went over with a friend. I visited my uncle and showed his some of my sketches and he actually thought I was pulling his legs, he was really wowed. November was a really good month. I did the Hulk Smash sketch for the ArtVenture Contest also.

I had a clean shave on the 6th, needed a new look.

So here we are the last month in the year. There's so many this I'd like to do, people I'd like to meet and call but time is limited. Earlier this month my old friend got married I went withmy brothers, it was really nice. While at the reception I saw a family friend, funny how she was the one who did the interior decoration, it was really nice.

Me, my bro and Mum.

Yesterday which happened to be Christmas, I went to visit my Dad, is went with my brothers and damn it was fun. My Mum had cooked different delicacies, after eating I could barely walk. It's her habit to overcook anytime she know we're visiting. She give a single person food for I also visited a family friend who lived close by. I had planned to take a friend out but time was just against. I'll be having a carol service tomorrow and I'm likely to share videos.

Now you know my 2020, Happy New Year in advance.

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