The Locals


It was fun the last time I did this so I decided to go after the ol' iteration thing again. When I go out and about into the world I like to bring a sketchbook with me just in case I'm sitting somewhere for a moment and have nothing to do. This is the perfect time to engage that curiosity and see what's out there to sketch! I was waiting for a sandwich and noticed how friendly the cashier was being and it just put me in a good mood so I decided to sketch it out real quick.


Here's that sketch!

After throwing a lot of color around and trying for a good color combo here's the block-in. After that it's mixer brush to smooth out the parts that don't need to be sharp and then adding the fun details like highlights and finishing touches to get to the final.

I tend to get up and mill around for a bit every 20-40 minutes to keep from getting into the weeds while painting. I find that if I paint for too long on one piece I start to lose sight of the big picture and get wrapped up into the tiny details too soon.

How do you keep a fresh eye and interest for long projects?

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