The sheep wisperer!

Near my home town of Zeist there is a big nature reserve. Its a big open heather area! There are little fens, areas of sand dunes and heather fields. To maintain and keep that area open you need a lot of personnel. Its way easier to keep a flock of sheep on the land. They wil eat the weeds, grass and trim the new small trees that are growing there.
And they are very photogenic :)


There are weeks that i am going for a walk every day and there are now nice sunsets! This day wasn't going to be nice but I was just in time to see the clouds catch some nice lighting!
What do you think, is this qualified as cloud porn?



I always bring my Leefilters with me to do some long exposure photography! I did some color adjustments for these pictures in lightroom but one is an exposure of 86 seconds and the other one is 1\20 of a second.



Witch on do you like the most, long expo or the normal one?

Gear: Canon 6D mark II Canon 14 mm F2,8 mark II Leefilters SW150 Mark II ND 0.6 and in one picture the Lee bigstopper.

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