Requiem: A Sketch

Requiem: A Sketch – watercolor and ink – 8 x 10 inches.

Winter loosened its grip here in the foothills a few weeks ago and now Spring is quickly passing into Summer. These days radiate greens and blues like a kaleidoscope. Choirs of robins, finches, sparrows and blue jays, grosbeaks, towhees and mourning doves sing everywhere. Often they all sing at the same time, and Life seems to burst out everywhere.

As we all know, wherever Life is present, her twin sister is close at hand. I don’t know what the song of this little creature -- scarcely bigger than my thumb -- sounded like when it was alive and I wasn’t skillful enough to capture its beauty when it flew and sang. Still . . . .

“Sunt lacrimae rerum,” says Virgil, “et mentem mortalia tangunt.”

“There are tears in things and what is fated to die touches the heart.”

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