The World of XPILAR - CITYSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART CONTEST WEEK #075 - street photography

Cuando salimos a la calle con nuestra artillería fotográfica, nos convertimos en cazadores, no de animales, sino de detalles, de momentos que ocurren una sola vez, de objetos que llaman tu atención y te detienes observando luego te preparas, encuadras, apuntas, disparas y miras tu visor.. y te dices, "listo".

When we go out into the street with our photographic artillery, we become hunters, not of animals, but of details, of moments that occur only once, of objects that catch your attention and you stop observing later you prepare, frame, aim, shoot and look at your viewfinder ... and you say, "done".


Nikon D70sSigma 28:70 mm
IluminaciónLuz ambiente
Software de EdiciónPs


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