rails moth / #club100

Post goes for week 167 of WoX Black and White Photography contest run by @axeman

Today is a brief post for the competition. Fresh photo. Running away from the rain yesterday late in the evening, I didn’t forget to take out my camera and take a few pictures - cause I adore this cityscape so much: neon city at night, reflected in the shining wet asphalt. (Who doesn’t like such a pictures?...)

The lace of the tram rails attracted me like a moth. I ran out onto the road several times and took pictures right in front of the cars moving towards me. (So that the rails were well-lit and shiny in the cars headlights). Luckily, no car (and no photographer) were harmed!


Canon 5D | lens 50mm | f 4.5 | t 1/40 | ISO 800

Сегодня коротенький пост на конкурс - убегая вчера от дождя поздно вечером, я не забыл достать камеру и сделать несколько снимков - я обожаю ночной неоновый город, отраженный в сияющем мокром асфальте. (А кто из нас не любит такие картины?...) Сложное переплетение-кружево трамвайных рельсов влекло меня к себе, как мотылька. Я несколько раз выбегал на дорогу, и фотографировал их прямо перед движущимися на меня машинами. К счастью, ни одна машина (и ни один фотограф) не пострадали!


Original colour version, as camera shot it - no conversion applied except downscaling; just for comparison purposes. Which version does look more convincing to you?


100% SP (manual translation to SP)

Thank you to all curators for support!

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