She wasn't having the best day when I asked her to pose for a portrait photo about a week before her birthday. She had several fun things get cancelled and then had been quarantined from her friends for two weeks because someone who showed up at our door uninvited was infected with Covid 19. This was really rough on my seven year old and I thought getting her out into the sun and taking her photo would really cheer her up. I was wrong. She wasn't willing to change clothes, brush her hair, follow much direction as a model, or even smile. I snapped about 10 photos before giving up and walking my sad, sweet girl back up to the house.
This, oddly, was likely one of the most difficult portrait shots I've ever done and one of the most emotionally challenging. I thought that it was a flop. But then I remembered, her statement earlier that week: "I want to be a witch." I put my head to how I might best reach her, make her feel empowered, and as if the world is at her fingertips. The image above was the result.
I've included a brief video to share a number of the steps I took to create this image. It's more of a slideshow than a video, but I thought it might interest others who enjoy compositing in Photoshop. If anyone has questions, I am happy to share details on how I obtained or created each component.
Before I shared my creation, I showed her the photos I took of her and she was beyond unimpressed. Once I shared how powerful she looks even when she is having such a rough day and feeling powerless, she sat quietly studying it before smiling and gushing gratitude. I believe it has had a truly positive impact on her perspective.
It can be easy to forget how magical we all are. Sometimes, we all need to see ourselves through someone else's eyes.
