"Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties."

Helen Keller


El Hatillo

At the end of January, due to family commitments, I moved to the city of Caracas, where I stayed for a few days.

During my short stay, I took the opportunity to visit El Hatillo, a nearby town characterized by its colonial houses, and that in recent decades has experienced a commercial boom, motivated by its wide gastronomic offer represented in restaurants of different specialties, in addition to having establishments dedicated to the sale of handicrafts and antiques, some of them, of long standing.

In the central part of the town is the Saint Rosalia of Palermo Church, a Catholic temple built at the end of the 18th century in honor of a young woman from Sicily who retired to live in solitude in a cave, dedicating her life to God.

Catholicism considers her as a protector against infectious diseases, plague, as well as to gather strength when it is necessary to overcome difficulties and hard moments.

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El Hatillo

A finales de Enero, me trasladé por compromisos familiares hasta la ciudad de Caracas, donde permanecí algunos días.

Durante mi corta estadía, aproveché de visitar El Hatillo, un poblado cercano que se caracteriza por sus viviendas coloniales, y que en las últimas décadas ha experimentado un gran auge comercial, motivado a su amplia oferta gastronómica representada en restaurantes de diferentes especialidades, además de contar con establecimientos dedicados a la venta de artesanías y antiguedades, algunos de ellos, de larga data.

En la parte central del pueblo, se encuentra la Iglesia Santa Rosalía de Palermo, un templo católico construido a finales del Siglo XVIII, en honor a una joven oriunda de Sicilia que se retiró a vivir en soledad dentro de una cueva, dedicando su vida a Dios.

El catolicismo la considera como protectora contra las enfermedades infecciosas, la peste, así como para reunir fuerzas cuando se requiere superar dificultades y momentos difíciles.


This is my entry for the CITYSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART Contest. This is an initiative of @axeman. I hope you enjoy it.

Esta es mi participación para el Concurso CITYSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART. Esta es una iniciativa de @axeman. Espero que lo disfruten.


Camera: Samsung Galaxy A12
Editor: Picsart / Snapseed
Location: El Hatillo, Miranda, Venezuela
Date: 26-01-2023

Si les gustó este Post, los invito a apoyar mi trabajo siguiendo mi cuenta @manuelgil64 dejando sus comentarios y votando


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