Pedrito y las flores (gusanos) del mar – Pedrito and the flowers (worms) of the sea

Poliquetos Lapiz.jpg

Spirobranchus sp. - Dibujo con lápiz, a mano alzada sobre papel. / Spirobranchus sp. - Drawing with pencil, freehand on paper. Marcy Betancourt


Pedrito y las flores (gusanos) del mar

Pedrito era un niño de 10 años y le tenía miedo al mar. Su mamá que era biólogo marino lo llevaba, cada cierto tiempo, a la playa para mostrarle lo hermoso que era ese lugar pero Pedrito nunca se metía en el agua.

Su fobia al agua de la playa era tan grande que ni siquiera se mojaba los pies. Apenas una ola llegaba cerca de él, salía corriendo como si se tratara de monstruo acuoso.

Él jugaba en la arena haciendo hermosas esculturas o fantásticos castillos. Luego, se alejaba para mirar cómo eran destruidos por alguna ola traviesa. Así, toda la mañana del paseo dominguero, Pedrito volvía a sentarse pacientemente a hacer otra gran obra artística con la esperanza que perdurara más tiempo que la anterior.

Un día su mamá le dijo que se pusiera su traje de baño porque iban para la playa. Pedrito refunfuchó y contesto: “¡otra vez! No me gusta ir para la playa, mamá…”

Esta vez tengo una gran sorpresa para ti, dijo su mamá con una sonrisa pícara.

Al llegar a la playa la mamá de Pedrito le dio una careta y un snorkell. Pedrito se lo colocó pero no podía respirar por la nariz.

La mamá le enseñó a Pedrito como debía respirar por el snorkell. Luego, lo invitó a pasear caminando por la arena al borde del mar. Te voy a mostrar mi lugar secreto, le dijo con gran ternura a su hijo.

Pedrito presentía que algo maravilloso le iba a pasar ese día. Con mucho temor caminó por la orilla de la playa. Llegaron a una pequeña y discreta ensenada.

La mamá de Pedrito le dijo: colócate la careta y respira como te enseñé. Siéntate en esta piedra que está en el agua cerca de mí y mira lo hay en el agua.

Pedrito hizo todo lo que le dijo su mamá. Se sentó en la piedra y sus dos piernas quedaron metidas en el agua. Luego se inclinó un poco para que su cabeza también estuviera en el agua. Ah! Cuál fue su sorpresa al ver nítidamente unos corales llenos de flores. La emoción fue tan grande que sacó la cabeza del agua queriendo contarle a su mamá lo que había visto.

“¡Mamá, mamá, qué hermoso es el mar! Hay muchas flores de colores y todo se ve muy bonito”. Su sonrisa era resplandeciente.

La mamá sonrió y le explico que esas no eran flores sino gusanos marinos que vivían en los corales.

Esa tarde al volver para su casa Pedrito era un niño diferente. Pensativo y entusiasmado le dijo a su mamá: “yo quiero ser biólogo marino, como tú mamá, para conocer a todos los lindos animales que hay en el mar”.

El mar el bello pero también tiene animales peligrosos, le dijo su mamá.

“¡No importa! Si yo estudio mucho voy a conocer toooodo sobre el mar y después les enseñaré a otros niños lo bonito que es, como tú me has enseñado hoy a mí”.



Pedrito and the flowers (worms)of the sea

Pedrito was a ten-year-old boy who was afraid of the sea. His mother, who was a marine biologist, took him to the beach from time to time to show him how beautiful the place was, but Pedrito never went in the water.

His phobia of beach water was so great that he never even got his feet wet. As soon as a wave came near him, he would runner as if he were a water monster.

He would play in the sand making beautiful sculptures or fantastic castles. Then, he would walked away to watch them being destroyed by some mischievous wave. Thus, all morning on the Sunday walk, Pedrito would sit patiently once again and make another great work of art in the hope that it would last longer than the last one.

One day his mother told him to put on his bathing suit because they were going to the beach. Pedrito grumbled and said, "Again! I don't like going to the beach, mom..."

This time I have a big surprise for you, said his mom with a mischievous smile.

This time I have a big surprise for you, said his mom with a naughty smile.

When he arrived at the beach, Pedrito's mom gave him a mask and a snorkel. Pedrito put it on but couldn't breathe through his nose.

The mother showed Pedrito how to breathe through the snorkel. Then she invited him to walk on the sand by the sea. I'm going to show you my secret place, she said with great tenderness to her son.

Pedrito had a feeling that something wonderful was going to happen to him that day. With much fear he walked along the beach. They arrived at a small, discreet bay.

Pedrito's mother told him: put on your mask and breathe as I showed you. Sit down on this stone in the water near me and look what's in the water.

Pedrito did everything his mother told him. He sat down on the stone and his two legs were immersing n the water. Then he bent down a little so that his head was in the water too. Ah, what a surprise he was to see some coral full of flowers. The emotion was so great that he pulled his head out of the water wanting to tell his mother what he had seen.

“Mommy, Mommy, how beautiful the sea is! There are many colorful flowers and everything looks very beautiful”. His smile was bright.

The mother smiled and explained that those were not flowers but sea worms that lived in the coral.

That afternoon, when he returned to his house, Pedrito was a different kid. Thinking and enthusiastic, he said to his mother: “I want to be a marine biologist, like you, Mom, so that I can get to know all the beautiful animals in the sea”.

The sea is beautiful but it also has dangerous animals, his mother told him.

“It doesn't matter! If I study a lot I will know everyyyyything about the sea and then I will teach other children how beautiful it is, like you have taught me today”


Esta es mi participación para el Concurso de Dibujo, Especies Marinas que promueve @adeljose. / This is my participation for the Drawing Contest, Marine Species promoted by @adeljose

Las reglas para participar son sencillas y están AQUÍ. ¡Anímate!

The rules for participation are simple and they are HERE. Cheer up!

Bienvenidos sus comentarios. Welcome your comments.
¡Saludos infinitos! - Infinite greetings!

Drawing/Dibujo – Story/Cuento @marcybetancourt
© Jul 2020, Marcy Betancourt. All rights reserved

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