World of MARKDOWN. #knitrias-project

Before making this publication, I had to read several articles on the Internet, which took me quite a long time. The articles were of various complexity, but since I am not a programmer, but a regular user, I was looking for the simplest and most understandable instructions. Because of my search, I wrote what you will read below. I don't pretend to describe all the methods and tools that Markdown provides us with, but here I will describe the major ones.

Markdown is a text editor that simplifies writing text files, editing them, and placing them on the sites you work with. With this text, I did the following. Open Markdown and write "article title" in the first line. Titles are created by placing the # "grid" symbol before the title text (there must be a space between the # symbol and the text).

Markdown text selection uses asterisk characters * you can use them to create the following types of text writing: bold, italics, bold italics.

And you can see this in the first screenshot.

To place the text, I chose the "text in the center" option. To do this, I wrote:

And I inserted the text of my publication instead of the word text.

You can see this in the second screenshot.

Then I had to break the text into paragraphs so it could be read comfortably. To do this, you can use the "Enter" button on the keyboard or use the < br >line break tag.

The third screenshot.

The next step - I started placing screenshots in the text. There is a "photo" window on the panel. I inserted a photo from my computer into the text.
If you like my method, I will be happy.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column